Ernie Bailey : Writing

Work In Progress

Work In Progress

A Chapter by Ernie Bailey

Anyone who has ever been in love knows the experiential properties of hell. I've held them in my arms, pinched the spry flesh, and felt the heat of th..
Plato's expulsion of the poets

Plato's expulsion of the poets

A Poem by Ernie Bailey

Why hath thou been expelled, at first I asked But now I know and still return I once expelled you too, your thrush so mute on matter..
The new day

The new day

A Poem by Ernie Bailey

The new day comes upon us as we chew the bones of last night's dinner.
mourning a dead wife

mourning a dead wife

A Poem by Ernie Bailey

Diga ditch, Bury Her. When She's in the ground We'll be sure She's dead. A shovel, A spade. A shovel, We need. A shovel, Atleast 20. And w..
Kiss, kiss

Kiss, kiss

A Poem by Ernie Bailey

Kind of a Susia Asado...for perverts
A snow-crowned edifice

A snow-crowned edifice

A Book by Ernie Bailey

Here's the snapshot-Noah likes to take drugs and he's got a gentle indifference to authority. When he's not smoking cigarettes he can't afford he's ar..
A snow-crowned edifice (chapters 1-3)

A snow-crowned edifice (chapters 1-3)

A Chapter by Ernie Bailey

Chapter 1 Have you ever smelled so bad that whenever you lifted your arms you thought you were going to throw up? I’m sweating so much that ev..