floira : Writing

The Monster Under My Bed (The second poem in my collection of dark poems)

The Monster Under My Bed (The second poem in my co..

A Poem by floira

we all have that dream or vision sometime in life..................
The Dark Forest (the first poem in my dark poems collection)

The Dark Forest (the first poem in my dark poems c..

A Poem by floira

this is what a consider a classic poem. like there are classic novels, this is a classic poem
lost love

lost love

A Poem by floira

we all face breakups. But sometimes, we countenance much greater tragedies........
The Devil

The Devil

A Poem by floira

A Devil's Tale
A Brother

A Brother

A Poem by floira

now aren't we all happy with our brothers ? ;)
I don't know what to write!!!

I don't know what to write!!!

A Poem by floira

this is the poem which i wrote while getting bored. when i was lost for topics and no amount of searching the web for inspiration would help.
I am not of this planet!!

I am not of this planet!!

A Poem by floira

seriously, I am glad! ;)


A Poem by floira

this is a poem about growing up and facing the horrors which is life

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