Alana Michele : Writing

Death Year Chapter 1

Death Year Chapter 1

A Chapter by Alana Michele

Arthur charged forward, Excalibur waved in the sun. His knights raced on his heels, their bravery never failed in the heat of battle. A searing white..
What Once Was

What Once Was

A Poem by Alana Michele

ages past left with dust as a bell chimes in mourning cracks creep up consuming iron and leave the stone to rain fires raze the earth surrender..
Water Among Violets

Water Among Violets

A Poem by Alana Michele

This is one of my older poems, though still one I like. It is in it's original state to show my developement from here to the free-style ones like Hon..
Within the World

Within the World

A Poem by Alana Michele

this always changing pattern seared across their minds kaleidoscope colors shifting to black and white stained red balanced on the last straw a ..


A Poem by Alana Michele

Strangling voice That cuts through Spitting on words they’d said Biting off the streams of thought Behind your lips They shout out Jibes, ..


A Poem by Alana Michele

Thoughts from and adrenaline rush
Comet Trails

Comet Trails

A Poem by Alana Michele

the picture is a oil pastel drawing of mine!
The Hollowed

The Hollowed

A Poem by Alana Michele

It’s the still of the silence and I’ll wonder if your still there It’s the motion of my heart breaking Cause I can’t reme..
Selfish Tides

Selfish Tides

A Poem by Alana Michele

The threads are slowly forced away The years shredded by The hope that lingered in the entanglement Nothing but a childhood memory That safe hou..
Slipping Away

Slipping Away

A Poem by Alana Michele

hope ribbons around dust clasps streams of light windows to the galaxy flung open maybe it all comes to this ends too soon where dusk remain..