freelancejouster : Writing

in which i half-remember my past

in which i half-remember my past

A Poem by freelancejouster

stop-action images flashbehind half-lidded eyes,struggling againsta controlling urge to sleep.she's on my mind again,walking, or more like invading -t..


A Poem by freelancejouster

an exploration,we're calling it,a delve into the wilderness,camera for companions,gritty strapsdigging into sweating necksin the forest heat.photograp..


A Poem by freelancejouster

electric lines fell down,collapsing right in front ofour method of transportation,and truthfully,a bicycle wasn't the brightest ideaon a night like to..


A Poem by freelancejouster

a raspy hush fills the roomand all eyes fall on the offending person,the brilliantly, blinking,flashing, wailing,cellular device from inside a Gucci p..
behind battle field lines

behind battle field lines

A Poem by freelancejouster

machine gun rattle anda row collapses under agitated friendly fire,the green horn,blinking back insanity lightsand crazed urges to peep and peerat his..
empty rooms

empty rooms

A Poem by freelancejouster

"are you still there?"i crept around the cornerquietly searching foran answer to my question.i heard a whisper,a shuffle,and a shaking rattle of a cou..
in which we reconsider what we believe in

in which we reconsider what we believe in

A Poem by freelancejouster

"you've put a lot of faith in something imaginary."and there was that overly-long pause,that hung in the air,refusing todissipateandprobinggently for ..


A Poem by freelancejouster

blood-red thoughtsflow through gossamer minds,seeking solace and vengeancefor something they scarcely remember.a splattering coughand a sticky residue..


A Poem by freelancejouster

our story doesn't have to be tragic,you know that, don't you, darling?when i said forever,i meant it,and i know that the waiting's painful,but we'll b..
stuck below hope

stuck below hope

A Poem by freelancejouster

violent whispers grate at your ears,sending you to states of convulsion,crackling knuckles,type upon ivoriesand teeth clack along to the're s..