******RP CURVE : Forum : The Unbreakable Block

The Unbreakable Block

16 Years Ago

I was beginning to feel the buzz from my coffee. Alexis had asked me a question and I was suddenly in the mood to answer. I could feel my depresssion lifting. Maybe that was a good sign; usually was except I get into more trouble when I go manic. I hoped I could stay at a happy medium for a while.

"I didn't know much about it before I was asked to be on the panel. It's a combination of the Psycology practice of free association and regular brain storming. You need a at least one other person, small groups work best, and one of you calls out a word and the both of you write the first thing that comes into your mind then the second person calls out a word and then both of you write again. If you are in a group, you just keep going around in a circle.

"I've never tried it myself -- it seems like just another bullshit way to get a group of writers to waste their time in a writing circle. I prefer to write alone with a bottle of gin for company. Not that thats been working for me lately. I thought I might give it try out of desperation."

I was feeling chummy so I put my arm over Alexis shoulder. "So, have you ever been bothered by writer's block? It's a b***h isn't it. Really. I've been stuck on my first chapter for over a month. It really sucks. Not the block. The chapter."

Damn, I was feeling chatty. I didn't particularly like the chap when I first met him, but now he was my new best friend.

"I see you brought your work with you. Sorry, about before. I almost ripped it away from you. It was an accident, I assure you. Are you networking? I could hook you up with some people. What is it you do, anyway..."

I could feel Louey shifting on my should as I talked to Alexis. He suddenly ran across my arm and onto Alexis' shoulder. Must've thought he had some food the way Alexis kept trying to play with him.

Louey, disappointed at the lack of food, decided to take a piss on Alexis polo shirt. I withdrew my arm from his shoulders and my lizard with it.

"Lucifer! Sorry, about that Alexis. I shouldn't have given him that iced coffee." I withdrew a handkerchief from my pocket and gave it to him. "Hey, I think your lady friend is about to leave. Are you just going to let her run off?

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I stood there; in a memorized posture, very astute with my shoulders back - strongly, and  my spine appropriately arched. Damon explained "Free Association Brainstorming" and I thought it was very interesting rather than a hoax as Damon added that it may be "just another bullshit way to get a group of writers to waste their time in a writing circle. I prefer to write alone with a bottle of gin for company..." - but I think he was just spun on coffee because after all he had to make a presentation as part of the panel.

(6) The Indie Author

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I jerked out of my daze when I heard Damon scolding his iguana. When I looked up, Alexis' poor polo had a large dark spot on the shoulder. I covered my mouth, trying my hardest not to laugh.