Damon Ross Cottrell

Damon Ross Cottrell


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Nacogdoches, TX
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About Me

I'm an aspring novelist, roleplaying game addict, and all around good guy. I graduate in May '08 holding a degree in English and Writing. I attend Stephen F. Austin State University where I served as The Write Club president 2006 to 2007.
Now, at the age of 37, I find myself wanting to provide myself with income based on my writing. I strive to improve my writing so that is possible. I'd like to thank everyone on Writer's Cafe with helping me with my goal.

I'm married to a wonderful women who believes in me and my writing. I have two boys ages 12 and 5 who are the light of my life.

I'm bipolar, medicated, and always looking toward the future.

I have a new website http://www.popular-mythology.com


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Posted 16 Years Ago

hi Damon
long time no hear; sorry for flaking out on everyone here at writerscafe.org - especially since we had a good thing going at "Authors High Society" - as far as the "write the group description contest... i didn't like anyones entry, and there was only two... and as far as our RP group, Authors High Society - I'm trying to re-develop it so it is true to ethics of standard RPing... anyway talk to you soon. Don't be a stranger

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Posted 16 Years Ago

You're welcome (you have a good evening as well..). And yes, I'll have to check them out since I've only read half of it (which I thought was good so far! :] ) And yes, I don't like the thread editor that much..it erases the titles I have for my posts and then I have to re-write them...

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Yeah, just start a new thread..that's what I was planning to do,anyways. But unless you wanted me to do post the new thread, you can go to the post you posted the reply on and click the edit button over your reply. That's how I edited my posts. :]


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thanks for your reviews Damon. It's always appreciated


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Posted 16 Years Ago

so what did you think of my review of your prologues? write back

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Okies. I'm just gonna sit back and let you guys do your thing and just try not to mess it up >.<

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Go check out the new "group message". It's about writing the update...

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Aww, thanks so much :) It's an honor coming from you. I'm just glad you don't hate me for being such a newbie at this.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I didn't, but it'll be okay. Please forgive my ignorance. I've never done this before.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I deleted my last few posts. I thought we were playing in real time. I apologize.