******RP CURVE : Forum : Update


16 Years Ago

Authors’ High Society Update

        I.            Scarlet Calvert (Famous Author): worried about the rustic life she had left behind and the new life she  started in the city as she listened to her MP3 player. Lured down a street by the smell of coffee, she happens upon a writers’ convention. She is worried about making a good impression on the people she will meet there because she is so new to Manhattan. She encounters  Alexis Pena who asks her if they could go out sometime. She accepts.


      II.            Alexis Pena (Indie Author): Had to endure Damon’s sudden good mood in the form of chumminess and loquiousness. After barely managing to endure Damon’s physical contact and prattle, he made the mistake of trying to get Damon’s pet lizard Lucifer to come to him. All he got for his troubles was a shirtful of lizard piss. Alexis reads a lot into the undertones of Damon’s comments and becomes even more uncomfortable. Scottie tried to make amends for her awkward introduction to Alexis, by apologizing further, but Alexis had tired of the whole situation. He was about to leave the conference when he caught the famous Scarlet Calvert on her way in. Due to his rather unpleasant experience with celebrities, he initially sought to lay low, but the woman spotted him and introduced herself. Relieved to be talking to a seemingly normal and famous person, he was emboldened to ask her out. She accepted.


    III.            Scottie Masterson(Murder Mystery Author): drinks her iced coffee and watches as Damon annoys Alexis. She is unable to focus on the conversation. She makes the mistake of laughing at Alexis when “Louey” relieved himself on Alexis. She tries her best to apologize, but he walk away ignoring her. Scottie leaves the convention and heads home where her almost sixteen year old daughter Laura is babysitting her two other kids. Laura and Scottie get into a fight over whether or not Laura can go to a campus party. Scottie pulls her MOM rank and forbids Laura to go.


    IV.            Damon Cottrell(The Darkside Bestseller): After drinking two iced coffees (sharing some with Louey), Damon’s depression lifts and he hits a hypomanic state. He jabbers as he talks to Alexis and fails to notice how uncomfortable he is making him by treating him as a close friend. Louey scampers over to Alex and pees on his polo shirt. Damon apologizes and hands Alexis a handkerchief. After Alexis and Scottie leave, Damon goes back to his signing table to sign books.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Nice update! :]

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

great update!  nice new tones to the group.


thanks for the detail

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

My favorite line of the update:

"Scottie pulls her MOM rank and forbids Laura to go."

I so love it. Great job! =)