Alpha Readers : Forum : Chapter length

Chapter length

9 Years Ago

What do you guys think of the issue of chapter length on this particular site? How long should chapters be, or does it even matter?

Reason I ask is I'm contemplating splitting some of mine, at least for WC.

Re: Chapter length

9 Years Ago

I definutely try to not post lenghty passages if I can avoid it. 
Chapters (in a book's final form) is really just a pacing tool. With that in mind, I post mostly half chapters. You'll notice that most of my stuff hovers around 1500 words. Which is about half a chapter (for me) in most cases. Although we should expect more from writers, online reading is generally light and quick. In the time you can read a chapter in paperback, the average person clears their spam box, reads 30 tweets and facebook statuses, watches 2 cute cat videos, takes a selfie and reads a review of last night's episode of game of thrones. The online medium sets up the expectation for this kind of spastic content browsing unlike a novel or comic book. However, if you feel like a scene doesn't natural conclude by breaking it into peices, I say don't do it. I try to get to a ending point within each of my postings.
My 2 cents.

Re: Chapter length

9 Years Ago

My chapters are usually around 1500 words too. I'd like to get them up to 2200, but this is going to take some work. They just seem to naturally hover around the 1500 word point.

Re: Chapter length

9 Years Ago

I feel like I go overboard with my chapters length wise. It really just depends on how much ground I want to cover. I think that it just depends per my fantasy story I tend to go up to 7k words sometimes (my most recent two chapters, I did) but for other stories I stick to 3k max...

Re: Chapter length

9 Years Ago

7k sounds really long. I would seriously consider breaking them down, at least for the purposes of posting online. It would be better to get more feedback and be less intimidating for reviewers who want to get in and out without a lot of commitment,

Re: Chapter length

9 Years Ago

I normally do break them apart after putting them up, but I want to have all of my eggs in a row before I do. My chapters almost never go for that long and, when they do, it's normally because I'm shifting from one part to the next. What normally happens is that I take bits and pieces from that chapter and distribute it out throughout the story and cut it down that way--back story, descriptions and so on.

Length and I will forever be at war.... -.-....

Re: Chapter length

9 Years Ago

I tend to vary mine in length rather than aim for one set word count, but some have hit nine or ten pages in word, never my wondering if I should cut them down

Re: Chapter length

9 Years Ago

I agree with JJ.  That said, please always let me know if a chapter is too long.  I tend to get wordy and have already split some chapters at points that seemed natural to me.