Beyond Fantasy : Forum : What Are You Reading Right Now..

What Are You Reading Right Now?

15 Years Ago

I'm reading "Tales of Mystery and Imagination", by Edgar Allan Poe. It's a collection of what is generally considered to be his finest tales. Prior to that, I was reading "The Loved Dead" (a collection of some revisions by H. P. Lovecraft). But, what next? Well, I have yet to decide!

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Right now, I'm reading Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


I just finished "The Belgariad," a series by David Eddings. It was very good...realistic, or at least as realistic as a sword  and sorcery story can get. The characters worried about everyday things such as eating and sleeping, and the main character wasn't suddenly thrown into a world where he had to act for himself and find that he magically had amazing fighting skills or something. He had to learn, he made mistakes.

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

Please No CSS

I actually just finished re-reading The Belgariad I would have gone on to The Malloreon but unfortunately my copies are in storage at the moment so I’m now reading The Elenium series it's a great series and the main character is very believable, it’s a funny book which is what I love about David Eddings he always made sure there was humour in his books.

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

Thanks for sharing that with us, Narrissa. Sadly for his legion of devoted fans, I heard that David Eddings died (not that long ago). I also like your William Blake quotations. Indeed, I wonder what he would make of the state of our modern world, if he were alive today?

Since my last post, I have read a lot more! Right now, I'm close to finishing the first of two volumes of stories set in (or inspired by) H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos. All of these stories are so original, different from one another and very imaginative. Indeed, I have read them many times before! Such stories are dear to me, and have a permanent place in my library at home.

After that, I intend to read something rather different, yet still within the fantasy genre.

I look forward to further replies, as always!

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

I'm reading the Dresden files currently, I'm only on the second book but so far it's been entertaining. I am also thinking about starting the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. I'm a little unsure about whether I want to start it since he died while writing the last book. I hear that the publishers hired another writer to finish it, but I don't know how good it would be. For non-fiction I'm reading The Montefeltro Conspiracy which is about the Pazzi conspiracy and the new evidence that was found in a letter that was recently uncoded. It's a little dry but i've always loved the Renaissance and anything that involves the Medici is okay by me. 

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

That sounds interesting, Surreal. Like you (and many others), I also read outside the fantasy genre. In my case, I'm quite interested in certain aspects of World War Two (for example). Also, a few political books and thrillers are of interest to me. In the science fiction genre, I tend to focus on stories by Philip K. Dick and Isaac Asimov. How about the rest of you, fellow Group members?



[no subject]

14 Years Ago

Right now I'm about halfway through the 5th Dark tower book, "Wolves of the Calla" by Stephen King.  Normally not a huge King fan, but I enjoy his non-horror writing quite a bit.

After that... well, I'm not sure.  Book 4 of Richelle Mead's succubi series is sitting on my shelf, but I've never gotten around to "Small Favor" (Jim Butcher) either.  A friend just let me borrow Irvine Welsh's Acid House collection... sigh.  So many choices.

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

I'm reading the Alatriste series by Arturo Pérez-Reverte... and I am pretty PO because the next volume of the series won't come out 'till 2011.

The story is quite good. NOTHING to do with the lame movie that came out. The book is faaar better. I was also reading Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. It's a very good graphic novel (okay, okay -- COMIC BOOK!).

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

Since I lasted posted in reponse to this thread, I have read quite a few titles! Right now, I'm reading a novel by Tanith Lee, called Volkhavaar". So far, I am enjoyable it very much! I learned about this writer, from another thread in our Group. Are there any other Tanith Lee fans amongst you, I wonder?

If you have not responded to this discussion thread before, you are more than welcome to do so? Also, if you have already posted a reply, feel free to add another!



[no subject]

14 Years Ago

Currently, I have been reading a lot of Ted Dekker.  He is not specifically a fantasy writer, but many of his books are heavily grounded in the supernatural.  The Circle Trilogy is fabulous, exciting and well-written.  Also, i am not currently reading these books, but I will recommend Terry Brooks to anyone.  He is one of my favorite fantasy authors, and I would recommend any of his books, although I would not recommend starting with the Magic Kingdom of Landover series, but any of his Shannara books are well worth the read.

Re: What Are You Reading Right Now?

13 Years Ago

Weaveworld by Clive Barker- epic-ly creepy.

Re: What Are You Reading Right Now?

13 Years Ago

Currently I'm reading another half-dozen books about fantasy and science fiction.  Before that I was re-reading (for about the tenth time) the Darwath Trilogy by Barbara Hambly.  They're so wonderfully Lovecraftian without imitating Lovecraft...

Re: What Are You Reading Right Now?

13 Years Ago

Right now (well, not right now - I'm typing a post on WC right now), I'm reading a novel by C. S. Friedman titled The Madness Season.  That's right - I'm reading a vampire novel.  Sort of.  The word vampire appears exactly once in this very thick book, and not in referrence to the main character, who has a severe problem with sunlight and sometimes has to drink blood.

Re: What Are You Reading Right Now?

13 Years Ago

I'm reading a number of things at the moment, actually, due to the fact that I am writing a 50 page paper on Tolkien's use of myths. Here's the list

The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien edited by H. Carpenter
Gods and Fighting Men: The Story of the Tuatha Dé Danaan and of the Fianna of Ireland by Lady Gregory
Perilous Realms: Celtic and Norse in Tolkien's Middle-earth by M. Burns

and for funsies, I am rereading Eragon by Paolini and Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Last Olympian by Riordan

Re: What Are You Reading Right Now?

13 Years Ago

Right now, I'm really wanting to buy the newest book of the Faerie Path books. I just don't have the money though... It really sucks. 

Re: What Are You Reading Right Now?

13 Years Ago

Right now I am reading the Decoy Princess by Dawn Cook. I just finished Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Mercy. I am also ready Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth Series I am on the fifth book Soul of the Fire. 

Re: What Are You Reading Right Now?

12 Years Ago

I am re-reading Lord of the Rings, and reading The Hobbit to my son. Before that I read the Firebringer trilogy and Hounds of the Morrigan, both very good YA fantasies.

Re: What Are You Reading Right Now?

12 Years Ago

I just finished "Ghost Story" Jim Butcher's latest Dresden Files novel and "EX Heroes" by Peter Clines both were excellent. I was surprised by Ex Heroes, it's a Super Heroes meet Zombie Apocalypse store. I read it because I few years ago I had a similar idea for a story, instead of Zombies it had Aliens/Demons.

I'm picking up "The ambassador's mission " Trudi Canavan. I read the Black Magicians Guild series and loved it, this is the sequel.

Re: What Are You Reading Right Now?

12 Years Ago

To all high fantasy fans: I strongly suggest The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. The story is genius, he uses very few of the other fantasy cliches such as elves, men, dwarves and the like, and his style of writing is accessible yet detailed and enrapturing all at the same time. Happy reading guys.

Re: What Are You Reading Right Now?

10 Years Ago

I just finished "The Last Wish" by Andrzej Sapkowski. I'm hooked! If you want to read something very classic fairy tale inspired but meant for adults (there is a lot of violence and sex) I totally recommend it. I can't wait to get my hands on The Blood of Elves and the rest of the series once it is translated to English and published in north America.

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