Fanfiction Authors Anonymous (ffaa) : Forum : So what got you started with F..

So what got you started with Fan fiction? and what do you enjoy abou ti?

16 Years Ago

What was the first thing you saw/read that made you go "You know what i wanna do that?"

for me it was reading one of the many star wars books i read it and thought that was awesome, but i would do this differently. A freind of mine said. "If your so smart then write me a star wars story i will be eager to finish" so i did :)

What do you enjoy about writing fan fiction?

TBH im not sure, i just do. I guess it would be the beautifully detailed universes that people have created, and being a part of that universe is awesome. Plus fan fiction lets me try out new things and i can always rattle together a short fanfict when im bored or between stories :)

Come on guys and girls lets get to know each other and feel free to think of other questions to ask the great people of the FFAA :)

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

One thing I think is fun about writing Fan Fictions is you can take character that are not of original design and form them they way you want them to be.

Take the characters from the show "Inuyasha" for instance, he acts like a total jerk all through the show and even towards the end he's sort of snotty. Writing your own fan fiction, you can make a certain event happen and have this stubborn and quick tempered jerk turn into a sweet maybe even romantic gentlemen. I'm probably giving him too much credit, but with something you're writing...

You're the only one in charge of how their lives at that moment will play out. Though you may be influenced by something or some one, their lives in that story depend completely on you.

Lol, that's just the way I see it anyway....:P

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

what got me started was the want to change certin things about the shows. For example, I've always been a bit of a hentai fan, and Yaoi was a huge thing for me when I was in High school. But mostly I loved to write and I wanted to write my own anime. But it was so much easier with already establiches characters to get started. So I startes writing Weiss Kreuz, Yami no Matsuie, and so many others. And then it became a hobby. Then I started winning awards for my origional writing, which I contribute to my fanfiction years.

I like the idea of being able to take a universe, like Silent Hill, and being able to add my own characters with their own problems. I also like to take characters from established anime/video games like Inu Yasha and I like to write my own little adventures for them. I think it made me feel closer to the characters and what not.

Now I simply enjoy writing fanfiction because its a break from the normal stuff. The problem is that at you just don't get the creative reviews that you get here at the cafe, and that is what I want. But hey, I also like to meet other anime fans. And it was a great way to set up a network. I was natorious for leaving my audience/following (yes, I had a following) with cliff hangers.

I think that writing fanfiction helped me develop my technique. I love it, and it is probably something that I will never give up! ::biggrin::

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I'm not much of a fan for yaoi and hentai, but I can respect good writers who choose to take the time to write them^_^.

The thing I find to be the most annoying about writing fan fictions, is a lot of the time, most people come off with "Well, that's not like *insert character name here* at all." and they usually end up giving you awful ratings and bad reviews as well.

I love writing fan fictions, well...actually anything in general, but it seems like the only thing I can finish are poems and short stories>.< *feels like an idiot and cries* lol. I started writing, though, about three or four years ago....

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Goodness I'm 21 and I started writing (seriously and not just for school assignments and the like) when I was 13. So that's what... 8-ish years. And in that time I have seen some brilliant fanfictions. And some not so briliant ones. I'm not a fan of OOC fanfictions, but I respect the folks that can write them. I'm not saying that I've never had an OOC character story as many times that is unavoidable, but I don't go out of my way to write them. ::tongue::

As far as yaoi and hentai go, there is tactful writing and there is NOT tactful writing. So all's fair I say. Just keep it tactful.

^_^ Well I'm off for the day! Later my friends!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I have to admit i dont have a lot of experience with hentai or anime in general, but i know what i like in terms of anime.

I know exactly what you mean about the wouldnt act like that, or wouldnt do that. All you have to do is remind the readers that its your story not someone elses, remind them to leave there preconceptions at the door, and enjoy the story. Alternatively i personally find, i only mention original characters if they will play a role in the story or i occasionally pepper one in for a giggle. ("wouldnt it be cool if one of my chars, dumped into someone famous.")

hehe Silver dont feel bad, i have a hundred or so stories floating around half finished or not even that far. you will get there :) have a little faith. Its my personal belief they remain unfinished for a reason and every once in a while i will pick one up again, and edit it and add a wee bit more. Silver i have a new story i started writing recently, my 40k fan fiction and i still havent even got anywhere near finishing it :) its about 200 words just now.

liz i know what you mean, my first star Wars fan fiction (im still editing it now) turned into a two year epic write for me :) and i was constantly chastised for cliff hangers and "That wasnt supposed to happen", or "you cant do that to her" comments and i have to say i loved it. (must be that little evil streak in me)

Cliff hangers are an awesome way to tie a reader into a story and it makes it a real page turner for them, and a joy for the writer. It also takes a lot of skill to write in such a way that the keeps someone hooked.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I agree with you. The problem is if you post at, like I"ve done in the past, you don't get anything constructive. You can have some 90 reviews and they all say "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT! UPDATE OR I WILL BEAT YOU WITH A PLASTIC SPOON" or something to that affect. There are no reviews with any meat to them. Which is a shame really.

Don't get me wrong. I love to get a review like that. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. But I'd like to think that my readers cared enough about my story to pick at something beside the grammer issue. Yes, we all have a grammer issue, we all know it, tell us something we don't know. It seems to me that grammer is a bottom feeder topic for a review of something. They don't know what else to say so they point out "in Paragraphy 52 on page 734, about midway down the page, in the center under the darn * you mispelled the word 'supercalafragilisticexpealedocious.'" I'm probably aware of that by the 90th review.

Thats what I like about writerscafe. We there are people here who actually take the time out to really help you with your stuff. Don't get me wrong. I've been with since they started, and it's a great place. But its only great for those "I'll poke you with this hot branding iron if you don't update" reviews. *sigh* well I"m off. I'll get back on my soap box later. ::tongue::

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

The best part, for me, is knowing that it's okay to not like how something happens in a story or game. I have the choice to write more on something that wasn't covered enough, or find a loophole and act on it! I like to rewrite scenes and come up with new ones and also to quench my obsession for shipping *shrugs* I can't help it >.<

It's enjoyable and a good way to improve writing skills, sometimes without even knowing it. ^^

Ah, yes... I agree about I love it, have been on there a long time, and even though I get a lot of reviews *squeals* they never go past one sentence. Hardly ever do they NOT end in exclamation points. XD I understand not nitpicking, but I wish they would take the time to write a little bit more so I can feel like they were totally invovled in my story. *sighs*

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I hear that! Hum... I wonder how my Harry Potter contest is going....

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Hey everyone, I'm wondering how in the world I could have possibly missed for all this time! I've been writing fan fiction for seven years, posting online for five at a number of host sites (mainly the every challenging and am currently working on an original fiction.

I think my true inspiration to write goes back to the endless ideas and day dreams I always seemed to have in regards to movies, stories and comics. All the what-if's that never were addressed that I felt needed to be somehow written in some form or another.

Originally, I simply wrote for myself, feeling my work was no where near the caliber of what I was reading online. Eventually managed to muster the courage to post. Taking both praise and criticism alike, I have learned to develop my writing style and mannerisms in order to produce fiction that I am no longer wary of posting online for others to read.

I continue to learn from other writers and of course from my readers and plan on writing for as long as my fingers will tolerate it. It is a fantastic source for stress relief and a daily break from the trials of everyday life.

Again, so happy to have found this excellent site and I look forwards to posting here!

::biggrin:: DC

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Well, I've always wrote stories since the age of six (most of it was graphic novels/short stories about a dog and a cat), but what got me into writing fan fiction was right after playing Devil May Cry for the first time and falling in love with its main character Dante :] (which was probably sometime in mid 2002). I wanted to write about him and his adventures, adding my brother, our friends, and myself into the stories.

Most of my DMC fanfics are on I use to write Middle Earth stories on there, too, where the reader falls in love with Legolas and joins the Fellowship. I've done Lestat fanfics, but that had to be one of the worse things I've written in the past (however, my readers didn't think so XD).

At the present, I've been working only on three fanfics (which can be viewed on if any girls are interested): When Two Paths Entertwine (A Dante love series), Secret Window (A Johnny Depp/Morton Rainy love series), and Silent Hill: Vage & Morbid Silhouettes series that feature myself and my brother Jon-Jon :]

I enjoy writing fanfics because it let's me feel the rush of being in the original creator's world, interacting with his/her characters that I adore/admire/hate. It just helps me cope during my phases of obsession. I haven't really worked on any anime fanfics, but if I ever do, I'd probably write about Naruto, Vampire Hunter D (I love you, D!! lol), Inu Yasha, and some others I can't think of right now X3

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

We are peas in a pod... except for the Naruto thing... LOL I kinda' hate that show. Mostly the English dub. The Japanese one is a bit better. I think I read your Silent Hill stuff. I'm working on a Silent Hill story currently. It features me and my boyfriend and our Dog....You can find the first 2 installments on here and at my fanfiction account.
I'm glad to have you! :) Hopefully we can chat again about random things. Cause it seems that we have a bit in common!!!

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Hmmmm... i started writing fanfictions almost four years ago... I had recently started watching Naruto and was reading a lot of different fanfictions, usually sasusaku. After a while, I decided to try my hand at it and, this is where I am now.

I deeply enjoy writing fanfics because I don't have to conform to anything but my own imagination. It's fun to make plot twists, extra characters (as long as they aren't Mary Sues) and all that stuff.

I sometimes look back on my first writings and wonder how on earth I ever thought they were good. Then I just tell myself that everyone has to start somewhere and if I hadn't thought my writing was any good, I would never have gotten to the point I'm at now. I have various people complimenting my work almost daily on the other sites I put my fanfictions on. Writing is my passion.

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

hey, everybody. I've been at writers cafe since, like........... today.  I just found out about it and i think its awesome. In response to the question, is that right now, im 13 years old and have been writing fan-fiction for about a year and a half, and really, by now, its all i think about. what i love about fan-fiction is that you could put yourself, as your own character, into the story, It has helped me live the life that i've always wanted to live and yet at the same time be content with the one i have now. Every day, i hear myself saying that life sucks, but at the end of the day, when i start writing again, it was like that thought had never leaked into my brain. I write Harry Potter fan-fictions, i have never finished a story completely, but i feel no shame. It is all but a writer's progress. But i have a problem. I want to be a writer, auther, when i'm older and just finished college. But i dont know how to get from fan-fiction, to original fiction. I'm working at it in school, but sometimes im not interested or it just not enough. I need help.

[no subject]

14 Years Ago

For me it was the challenge of taking a well-known story with well-known and loved characters and making a story that people could enjoy.
Also, I could take any story I loved and give it the twist and turns I would have loved to see in it -- or even give it an alternative ending!
One of my favorite fanfics is called "Reencuentro en el Vortice" and it's a Candy Candy fanfic which takes off on the last episode of the anime and gives us devoted fans of the series an ending we would have loved to have. It's very good and I use it as the guideline of what a fanfic should be. Fun, interestig, and deep.


Re: So what got you started with Fan fiction? and what do you enjoy abou ti?

13 Years Ago

I know when I first started, I was very young. I was about 7 or 8 years old, in all honesty. I'm not exactly sure what brought me to it. I just know that I can't stay away from it; I'm writing a piece for Yugioh! right now, actually.

I love a great many things about fanfiction. I can take characters that have already been created by someone and can put them through situations that might change their personality, perhaps show a side of them that not many people catch. Take Yami Bakura from Yugioh! for example, one of my favorite characters. He's evil. He's a jerk. He wants the pharaoh dead. But when they revealed his past in the last season, it got me to thinking about why he acted the way he did. I like bringing hidden sides of characters to light.

I can also flesh out characters that haven't really been mentioned in the series. Like, take Beyond Birthday from Death Note for example. Again, he's evil. He's a murderer, who killed only to engage L in a battle of the minds, to see if he could create a case that L couldn't solve. No one but the creator of Death Note himself knows anything about him. We readers barely get an idea of what he even looks like, and not many people even know about his existence or who he was. I love writing about him and trying to get into his head and flesh him out into either a lovable or hatable character.

Two of my favorite other things: The first is I like reading the yaoi pairings. xD They're just...drool worthy. The other is taking characters I created and putting them in the story, to either help along a plot, change it entirely, interact the the characters, help flesh out a character, etc. O.C.'s are my specialty. (:

Re: So what got you started with Fan fiction? and what do you enjoy abou ti?

12 Years Ago

I love fanfiction, and I started because there was an unsatisfactory ending in one of my favorite movies: The Phantom of the Opera. I love fanfiction because, everyone interprets a character differently, and I've had past experiences where my friends and I disagreed about a character's personality and how she would act if she fell in a pit. See, Fanfiction allows us to write about something we love while creating something new. Fanfics all the WAY!

Re: So what got you started with Fan fiction? and what do you enjoy abou ti?

12 Years Ago

I started writing fan fiction when I was six, and that was also my first time to write a story. It was a Hello Kitty fan fiction. But during high school and onward, I got inspired enough to do one whenever I have a crush on a celebrity (or when there's a TV show/literary work fun enough to write about--and alter!) =D

I honestly don't remember what really got me started with this genre. All I know is that I just thought of a story about that certain celebrity--musician, actor, whoever--and write it. When I got to read more fan fiction about almost every celebrity/work, I started learning to improve my FF writing, especially coming up with unique twists.

Re: So what got you started with Fan fiction? and what do you enjoy abou ti?

11 Years Ago

What was the first thing you saw/read that made you go "You know what i wanna do that?" 

I'm not too sure. I guess after I found out you could do that. I found it easier to do than something original. 

What do you enjoy about writing fan fiction? 

Even though, I've been in fandoms for years, and loved reading what's canon, I have just recently got into writing fanfiction, well, good ones anyways. The most I enjoy about Fanfiction is the fact that you can take your favorite characters and put them where you want, and make the do what you want. 

Re: So what got you started with Fan fiction? and what do you enjoy abou ti?

11 Years Ago

I started writing when I first read it from my friend. I think that it was awesome to use anime characters in my own story so I started writing them. The thing about it is that you can claim it like your own and make them act according to your wishes without ruining their own character from their respective places. The setting is also one thing, when I can't think of anything appropriate then I'll use their place. (:

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