Fluffy Sugar B*****s Club : Forum : You guys rock!

You guys rock!

16 Years Ago

Dear Fellow Talented B*****s,

I love ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you're the best and you crack me up! ::biggrin::

Super Sugary B***h


16 Years Ago

YOU ROCK, CHRISSY!!! ::biggrin::

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Yay! Awesome group! ::tongue::

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

The support I've gotten really made me feel so much better...thanks guys!
Believe me when I say I do not think Im a great writer...Im not perfect, and nothing I write is. I dont think Im better than anyone...never have and never will.
I just think every writer deserves respect. What Dana wrote was just plain rude.
I dont want negativity in my life...battling with depression and such in my life, I try to stay away from that...and people who seem only interested in making you feel bad about yourself or your efforts. You guys have all been so nice and helpful...thank you! ::smile::

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

::biggrin:: Yea, b*****s together! Wonderful club, you rock Chrissy! ::happy::

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I'm so excited to be in this group! Hahaha... Kickass group CMV. Thanks for inviting me. ::biggrin::

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

as b*****s together we will stand ;)

thanks for the invite by the way!!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

oh shitnitz, ummm I'm with ya Chrissy, thanks for having me; ::tongue:: ::suprised::