Gettysburg Community


Gettysburg College –

When you enter a completely new community, attempting to make completely new friends, it's often difficult to express your true emotions, opinions, thoughts, and desires. This community will serve as a haven in which to express ourselves through writing. Here, students and teachers can post their work to be enjoyed and reviewed. There is always more to our fellow students than meets the eye. To join message R.J. Seoul with the nickname of our dining center. So join, write, post, review, and enjoy!

Our veins run with black and blue,
The ink our blood,
The paper our skin.
Our mind encompasses the world
Sees the life as it has become
And what it will soon be.
We glimpse the world through gray eyes
As well as the reality our eyes imagine.
We see the beauty in a tree,
And have become its translators.
We dream in a language,
Sewn with the threads of our past,
And fashioned the colors of our present.

It is the words that become our weapon
Spreading truth to structured minds;
Allowing naive, to become intelligent.
We draw on emotion within ourselves-
Shoot it through the hearts of others.
We are the unity
We are the revolution
We are the remembered

We are the writers.

R.J. and Paidyn

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R.J. Seoul

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