I Am Woman : Forum : Men...

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

A dear friend of mine would constantly repeat "The choices we make dictate the life that we lead, 'To thine ownself be true' ". They can only get away with what we let them.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Very true...dirty dogs, they sure do get away with alot too. ::mad::

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

On the contrary..they are extremely simplistic. It is the womans complicated mind that reads so much into their actions and words. I think Jeff Foxworthy said it best "we want a beer, and we want to see something naked" that pretty much sums it up..add ESPN into the mix..you have one helluva happy man!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I do not think they are that hard to understand at all. I think maybe they are just on another wave as us and we try to apply our own thought process and rations to their actions and thats where we get thrown for a loop. If we all learned to think alittle more like men, maybe we could all get along.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Originally posted by Ashley
I do not think they are that hard to understand at all. I think maybe they are just on another wave as us and we try to apply our own thought process and rations to their actions and thats where we get thrown for a loop. If we all learned to think alittle more like men, maybe we could all get along.

nice statement :)
indeed, i too think that neither of us are complicated, we just make it complicated as we are on another wave.
And i too experience that, sometimes me and my bf (he's a carpricorn like me) are meddling about the silliest things :p they always told me that dating someone of the same sign is bad, but i must say it has it's advantages. When both of us are stubborn we see exactly how we are doing by looking at eachother, which makes it all the more easier to stop being stubborn and realise how silly we are being :)
the only thing that can really annoy me is that men aren't capable of doing one than more thing at a time, when he is programming next to me, and i am surfing or writing a poem or whatever, and i talk to him he doesn't even notice, where i can talk, listen to music and do lots of other things at the same time, so for me it is complicated :p to understand why the hell he isn't capable of hearing me when he is doing something at the moment.
But then again, it might just be selective hearing :p

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

It's the way that the male species brain is wired, literally. Women are actually wired to be multi-taskers. Probably so they can deal with the motherhood thing. And yes, women are the complicated ones.


On the contrary..they are extremely simplistic. It is the womans complicated mind that reads so much into their actions and words. I think Jeff Foxworthy said it best "we want a beer, and we want to see something naked" that pretty much sums it up..add ESPN into the mix..you have one helluva happy man!

couldn't have said it better myself. That's probably why I get along with them so well, I don't bother thinking much into what they say or do. It's pretty black and white.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I don't think so.. more so stubborn!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Men are the most simple creatures. If you think they are complicated you are over-thinking.

I even did a survey, really. Of course the guys were drinking!

What I know is this: Keep them fed, The house looking clean (emphasis on looking) and keep the romance alive by being very clear and specific. They get so confused when we don't S-P-E-L-L it out!

Simple very simple.

Now this may sound that we are given our power up, but no ladies it is the opposite. I know this to be true after 11 years of marriage. Ask guys pose the question...I dare you.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I just might do that....

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I have to agree with Roxy on this one. My man is very happy if he is fed and can watch his TV, and every once in a while when I'm strolling through the house doing whatever, I lift my shirt and flash him. ::biggrin:: This is why I have a very large diamond on my finger! LOL I'm kidding, of course, I didn't want this big of a diamond. ::tongue::

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Men are deceptively simple. They have basic needs (sex, beer & football, and an occasional kraut dog with a bag of Fritos), but their emotional needs, bound up in the concete of testosterone, are actually not much different than ours. They just won't express them, and definitely not with hearts & flowers sentiments (which suits me fine; I'm not a mushy girl).

Then there are the times when I completely agree with Roseanne Barr: "They put one man on the moon. Why not all of them?"

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Good question...

Yeah, mine is simple when I think about it. I flash mine too Jinx!!!::biggrin:: ::biggrin:: I swear, after watching him...all I need to do is keep him fed, a clean house (okay that is just me) and me in the bed, and the boy got it made...who would of thought it? I also drop it like it is hot...THAT my freinds is a SURE way to get their attention, if your guy is a a*s man.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I think we all agree that men are simple, and since women find them so simple they have to go and make them complex by thinking far too deep. They are simply different.

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