JotDownYourWords : Forum : Harassing Children

Harassing Children

8 Years Ago

Children are harassed all around the world. What do you think we can do for them as budding writers?

Re: Harassing Children

8 Years Ago

Sadly, bullying is a common problem among children these days.  This form of harassment, be it in person or online can be devastating to a child, from early elementary school, into the teen years and yes, even into adulthood. 

Each person on this earth can support anti-bullying programs in schools as well as the workplace.  If we know of someone being bullied because they are different - be it looks, clothes, financial status, lack of intelligence, etc., we can rally around that person and try to lift their self-esteem by pointing out the good.  We all have flaws why dwell on those?

As a writer, I would love to see a type of workshop for those who are bullied, who have those low self-esteem issues.  Writers can show others how to journal or write poems and short stories that express their feelings.  If they cannot fight back with fists (which I don't encourage!) or words from their mouths, they need an outlet.  They cannot keep their feelings inside because that just causes more problems down the road. 

A workshop on free-writing for ANYONE who is having problems of this nature, or any problem they are fretting over may not solve the problem, but it is a way of expression that could, possibly, calm the mind and spirit.

My opinion, for what it's worth.


Re: Harassing Children

8 Years Ago

I think writing stories based on your own experiences with bullying, or just about bullying in general, can help too. It lets them know they are not alone, and can give them some courage and peace of mind.

Re: Harassing Children

8 Years Ago

As someone in high school who has both experienced seen, and know of people who has experienced it it is a struggle. Yes we have all been educated on bullying but sometimes you don't even realize it is happening. This goes for the bullies and the bullied. I can tell you I didn't realize it for years as they were my closest friends and it was an emotional tye of bulling which often goes unnoticed. I love the ideas of workshops. Writing really is helping me on my road of recovery. At my school my friend is in this class called leadership. After she reported her brother (whose in middle school) has been bullied for a few years now and the adult figures weren't helping her teacher and class helped come up with a plan to hopefully help him as he has began to withdraw and act out. They're inviting him to shadow a high school student and also they're wanting to set him up with a "big brother" type figure. Another student in leadership. As writers I think speaking out in our writing. Not letting this issue being buried under the rocks. Reach out to others through our writing with our support and/or our experiences. That workshop idea also sounds quite wonderful.

Re: Harassing Children

8 Years Ago

Originally posted by Lavorther
I think writing stories based on your own experiences with bullying, or just about bullying in general, can help too. It lets them know they are not alone, and can give them some courage and peace of mind.

Yes, I think that would be a good idea.

Re: Harassing Children

8 Years Ago

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