Masters of Telepathy
DescriptionThis is a place for selected writers to post their best writing (stories, poetry, metafiction, anything really) and get honest and supportive critiques on their posted writing.
* * * There will be contests held each month after I've gathered a strong enough following on this page. The contests will be moderated by myself and will include everyone who posts anything within the forum with the heading CONTEST. * * * Forum will be open to any members. Just remember that I moderate any postings. I urge these threads to be as sensitive to the general public as possible with the usual exception of stories posted. Really, I just want to give everyone the ability to share with their fellow writers what makes his/her stories tick and what they can do to improve on them if they don't. Below will be the update section and will be added and edited once a month or on a need be basis. Have fun everyone. |