Need reviews? Advertise here! READERS NEEDED!!


This is a group that me and my partner have decided to set up to help all you people out there.

We both understand, sometimes it can be hard to get these 'needed reviews, and needed help to improve your work. Sometimes just sending out 'random' friends requests isn't the way to go forward. Advertise your books here and catch people's attention.

Also readers are welcome here. Without readers this group is useless. So please, have a scroll through the books advertised. You may even find one you love.

So please, keep a close eye on this thread.

If me or my partner spot any books that catch our eye, we will also be reading and reviewing. Please make all of your friends aware of this group, add them all. We would like to help you guys as much as we can.

If you would like to add me, EllenMichelle29

If you would like to add my partner, TerenceBrumpton

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Lincolnshire, UK, United Kingdom

Get well soon baby x :)