Novelist's Desk : Forum : What can't you write without?

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What can't you write without?

15 Years Ago

Music? Coffee? Caffine pills? Dead silence?

What do you absouletely have to have when writing? Its not a bad question to consider. I was forced to think about it when I started a new job--its one where I get about 6-8 hours a day to spend writing.

I've discovered enviorment is almost as important as the little things I write with. but for me, I need a cold Coke, my MP3 player on shuffle, and the TV on mute. (I don't know why, but the flickering images help. Weird, huh?) Sometimes, I like having a blowpop or Slim Jim, so I always keep them in the house. (And Hershey's Bliss, for the rejection letters that keep trickling in. Works wonders.)


So how 'bout you? What can't you write without?


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[no subject]

15 Years Ago

I've got to have my routine. There is something about a step by step ritual that gets me in the mood for writing. By the time I get in front of the keyboard, I am bursting with words.


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[no subject]

15 Years Ago

I need a room without distractions... my mind races to dosciver the source of every noise, forgetting the writing at hand :(
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[no subject]

15 Years Ago

I need absolute silence. Like Kenneth though, I like to have the TV on either mute or down to where I can barely hear it. I can't have music playing. I can't have food, and if I get hungry I'll step out for a snack and come back when I'm finished. If it's a story I have to finish the day or night I start it, or I lose my concentration and I scrap it. If it's a book, well then I have to finish a chapter, or a clear section of the chapter. With poetry all the above rules don't apply. As long as there aren't bombs going off I can get it done. Weird huh? With poetry it just takes one line to pop in my head for me to come up with the rest.
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[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Actually, that kinda makes sense. From what I know of poetry (my knowledge in this area wouldn't fit on a nilla wafer) it's written from the creative area of the subconscious, which is less perterbed by happenings in your immediate surroundings. :)
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[no subject]

15 Years Ago

I need silence. Not dead silence where everything is absolutely quiet and you could hear a needle drop, It can't be that quiet, otherwise it's distracting. I like he common everyday noises, like cars driving by, kids outside, my family upstairs above my bedroom, and the sound of my cat purring.

I also need my laptop, it's a simple piece of equipment, but I find it hard a lot of the time to use paper and pen, I write so much so fast, my hand sort of cramps, however when I type, not only can I ignore any spelling or grammatical errors, my hands don't cramp up when my thoughts overflow.

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[no subject]

15 Years Ago

Internet connection and a movie in the same genre in which I'm writing. Coffee and popcorn help, but aren't necessary.  :-)
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[no subject]

15 Years Ago

A room temperature of 69 degrees and some good score music :P
Moving cars are also amazing places to write too. There is something about the rumbling of the car engine and the smooth rolling over the road.

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[no subject]

15 Years Ago

I never thought about writing in the car. I've written on boats, a whole different environment. I've written on airplanes, not nearly enough room. But, I've never written in a car. I'll have to give that a try sometime.


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[no subject]

15 Years Ago

iPod!!!!  I can't stress how important my little iPod Shuffle is.