Opinion Magazine (Poetry Club) : Forum : �Nacirema Smaerd&#..

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�Nacirema Smaerd� by Anthony Hanes

17 Years Ago

This is a page from Vol.2 of my Abstract World Series where I attempt to tackle different life experiences the best way I can. This is for the open minded. Peace

�Nacirema Smaerd�

300 years from tomorrow someone kidnapped my forefathers and tortured their culture, religion, and history� A foreign land was invaded and a mentality was developed and forced on the Yellow and Black members of a new society who never seen equality�A new system�A backwards system��Nacirema Smaerd� were put on paper and called the Declaration of Independence�The Constitution�.The Bill of Rights�there are no rights �The Emancipation Proclamation�but what was actually proclaimed was an illusion that was as believable as Houdini�oh I love the magic�.oh I adore the magic�at night as I dose off to sleep �Nacirema Smaerd� keep me motivated to work 75% of my life away for a 401K and a promise�at least I get paid unlike my grandparents before me�I view their Black and White portraits in the living room and noticed �.each day was gray�.each day was cloudy so mother nature played Russian Roulette with countless citizens �who were not yet citizens�.who were citizens of a different system and held to low standards�low wages�if any wages at all�low morale�low sense of self�from deserted lands�.to�Thanksgiving�.to�Small Pox�to the art of war�to 13 Colonies who rose to power like Rome�..and fell into 49 states with one b*****d child...God Bless us I guess�God Bless us to have the will to achieve �Nacirema Smaerd� where reality is backwards�.where reality is in the eyes of the beholder so� I keep my eyes closed �imagining�. I�m in outer space�imagining�. I�m in another place�not the mother land where they might sale me again to slavery�not the USA�where the UNITED SLAVES ALLIANCE was formed by my great� great� great� Uncle�. who forced himself into my Bloodline�that�s why I�m lighter than most�.close to the Yellow men who were deceived with gestures of peace�close to the believers who were the non believers so�I read nothing�I chase �Nacirema Smaerd� but at the same time�fight against his documents�he is a thief�.he is a liar�he is my distant cousin who I can count on for 25% of my life�The other piece of this puzzle�well�it hides somewhere in a Library where�words are only words�..therefore I read only the words that flow from my soul�to my heart�to the oxygen I inhale and exhale�.I have goals�Don�t you want to Retire�.It is the American Dream�.Don�t you have American Dreams�or�.do you live your life looking backwards?...I ask this as I attempt to stay awake and aware �.of what the truth really is�300 years from tomorrow�my forefathers were taught to think backwards�taught to only rewind literature constructed by good god fearing conquerors�

(American Dreams)

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17 Years Ago

I'm glad to see this. Right now, a bunch of honor roll students may not be able to get into college because the St.louis public high schools are about to lose their acreditation. I was reminded of what the future may hold for them. ,,,,and also what I could really post in this place. thanks