H. A. M.

H. A. M.


I'm not new......I'm old as f*ck. Just sayin...

St.Louis, MO
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

"I hope you live to be one hundred years old
and me a hundred minus a day
so I won't know good people like you
passed away."
DJ Phylosophy.

Hey YOU! Sorry for the absence. I'm having conection problems at the house (amoung other things) but I hope to be back online soon. Right now I'm at a cafe doing this and I feel ,,,, pretintious. Like I should be having a latte or something that cost more than gas. .....whatever. I'll get back online as soon as I can.
Take it lite.

Poetry Blog Rankings

I just started second shift which means from 3:00 p.m to 11:00 p.m. ( give or take overtime) I won't be runing thru here until late night. Just making you aware of this.

Don't feel pressured to get back right a way. I understand that most of you have a life outside of the cafe. I do appreciate the reviews.

I just started to take it seriousely and actually started writing new stuff. Most of the things I did where inspired and not planned. About me,,, wants to be a writer but would like to be better at spoken word.
Not a big reader. I read things that catches my eye or word of mouth. I don't mind a good conversation.



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Posted 9 Years Ago

HEEEEEY! Good to see you!

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Peace, I wrote some of my weirdest things when drunk. Can't drink anymore though so....wait. I still write weird stuff. Good to see you.

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Posted 9 Years Ago

very lethargic i am. maybe I should write about it.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Miss you!

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Posted 10 Years Ago

while you are saving my words, I am missing yours.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

You don't write
You don't call
You don't email
You don't skype
And you missed your last child support payment
What am I suppose to tell the kids?
And you wonder why I throw your a*s outta the car when we pass them hills!
Don't make me call them people on you
Imma go mad black woman on you
You gone learn today!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Ice queen closed her profile...I'm sad....

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Posted 11 Years Ago

I see only two folks that still post...okay....

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Posted 12 Years Ago

how you gonna do me like that
I thought we was cool
old people dont need money....they only give it to greedy grandkids...

Its cool though...
tuck and roll...
then run
from the hill...
they have eyes!

lol...now I feel better

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Why are you tapping on my window?? Creepy...