Pagan poetry : Forum : which

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8 Years Ago

Which one is your favourite god or godess
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Re: which

6 Years Ago

My favourite gods and goddesses are from Greek,Norse,and Egyptian lore. I've resonated with them ever since I was a child and have felt that they can hear me. More than once,I have done a spell and called on certain gods and goddesses,and heard or seen them. It is an amazing experience. 

The Norse gods I discovered at the age of twelve when I first started learning about and using the FUTHARK runes. I even write in rune. lol As the years have passed,I honestly pick Fenrir as my favourite. He is a forest dweller (much like myself) and a protector.

The Egyptian gods I discovered when I was six or seven years old. My mother has been a pagan since I was a child and the first gods and goddesses she called upon were the Egyptian gods. I always found them beautiful. My favourite god and goddess are Horus and Isis. They are both very powerful and protective.

The Greek gods I discovered (you'll laugh) when watching Xena the Warrior Princess. I loved to watch that show not only because I saw Xena as a great role model,but also because I found the Greek gods and goddesses amazing. My favourite Greek god that I resonate with is Athene. Warrior and protector. :)