Role Playing weirdos : Forum : char profiles

Re: char profiles

9 Years Ago

I just have to make time to write the first chapter. Been so busy with the holidays writing my seasonal book.

Re: char profiles

9 Years Ago

So Iveltac, we are still going to do the roleplay here, in this group, but your are going to write a book somewhere else about this, right? Because I don't really get it.

Re: char profiles

9 Years Ago

We will write it here and i will take everything we do and turn it into a book. it will be like.

Written by Doorman dan Levi Thornton ect...

Get it?

Re: char profiles

9 Years Ago

Ah, okay! When it is time to write who wrote the book and give me credit, just ask me my full name

Re: char profiles

9 Years Ago


Re: char profiles

9 Years Ago

Same here! I soo don't want to be called "Cool Girl" in the credits, I mean how boring is that! xD

Re: char profiles

9 Years Ago

Lol ok fantastic girl :p

Re: char profiles

9 Years Ago

oh and can somone add Lolharris to the turn list?

Re: char profiles

9 Years Ago


I know im a bit late for the party hopefully i can still join

here is my character profile

Name: Jemaral Stoneheart

Race: Earth Genasi ( D&D race essentially half earth elemental )

Class: Cleric ( Primary Deity Gaia Earth Mother )

Appearance : 5'6 height non muscular pushing chubby. Grey skin tone and spiky rock formations for hair blunted rock formations for eyebrows as well another rocky formation on the chin reminiscent of a goatee. dual eye color right iris is blue while left is green. wearing what passes to be normal commoner clothing dependent on the setting.

Abilities of note : Cleric abilities ( defensive magic, healing and light based magic ) as well as earth manipulation ( ability to bend anything of the earth to his will dirt, rock minerals etc. ) elemental resistance ( half elemental nature allows genasi's to have a heightened natural resistance to the elements and even more improved resistance from the elemental origin). Improve vitality and strength ( Earth elementals are known for their incredible durability and strength being descended from them the earth genasi is blessed with a fraction of this gift).

Familiar : ( Behemoth ) Accompanied by a juvenile earth dragon capable of flight but for the most part prefers walk on all fours and has natural stony armor for a skin usually slightly larger than a rhino but has the ability to increase or decrease its size and mass. serves as a mount/pack mule as well as a worthy battle companion can spit boulders upon enemies and if within the proximity of its master able to use earth manipulation ability.

General Attitude : Brave, loyal and straight forward. Strongly believes that it is the duty of those who are capable to make a difference. stubborn, never breaking a promise once its been made and are as slow to change their mind as the earth itself. slow to anger, ignoring insults and threats as though nothing had happened, when angered however, is more terrifying than any earthquake,

Background : ( In progress )

Re: char profiles

9 Years Ago

Okay! Feel free to join in anytime! The role play is happening on "Chaper 1"

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