Roleplay X : Forum : The Maze

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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Theophilia: I continued to stand there. I'll stand here all day and night until she comes down.
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Hazel: the bloodthirsty wolves were back and chased people. was there anyone ealse here? i climbed out of the tree and looked around me cautiously.
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Sin: My my, a determined one, are we?
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Theophilia: I step from behind the tree and look at Hazel.
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Hazel: i stand out or reach, "thank you..... for saving me before" (lol, making it easy without my charrie looking like a dumbass is impossible XD this is hillariouse)
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Theophilia: I walk closer to her. " Saved you? From?" I ask her, shadows cover me and I know she can't really see me.
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Hazel: "the wolves..." dark. this person seems dark. i step back.
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Sin: A hero complex can ensnare even the most skeptical of people.
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Originally posted by InkAngelXIII
Sin: A hero complex can ensnare even the most skeptical of people.

XD she's my timid charrie, try getting leo to trust you! XD
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Theophilia: I reach my behind my back and pull a knife from my backpack without her seeing. I hold it behind me and smile at her. " That? That was nothing really." I say darkly
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Hazel: "well... thank you". i take a few stepps back before walking away. not smart but... if she were hostile i'd be long dead by now.
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Theophilia: "Your just going to walk away after I saved you?"
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Hazel: i stop, "youre looking for an alliance?"
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Sin: So very fascinating to see a wolf in sheep's clothing speak to a bunny.
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Theophilia: I walk towards her until there's only a step or two of space between us. " I hate this game. Don't you?" I ask her in a dark voice " It's so... Violent, Depressing. No one really wants to die, do they?"
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Hazel: "no, of course not". so that explained why she acts so dark. it's darkness toward the game. the easyness to kill creatures created to kill for amusement. not in general, not other players. so... i can trust this person?
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Sin: I wonder...should I step in? I need people for my beautiful plot, but it was risky to so much as hint towards it. Hence why I had not done this before. That and I knew that Fionn was not the first to die for the same thing.
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Theophilia: I turned the knife around in my hand. I didn't want to kill her. I never wanted to hurt ANYONE. But I HAD too. It was the ONLY way. I smirk at her and take my free hand to softly clutch her chin in my hand. " It's nothing personal." I tell her, giving her one last chance to speak.
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Sin: I sat on a branch with a grin on my face. She was really going to do it. She was going to make the kill.
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Re: The Maze

11 Years Ago

Hazel: i closed my eyes and braced myself. "i know now."