Roleplay X : Forum : The Flock

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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

Max-I pull Renge into my hug with angel."You don't know how happy i am to see you guys,where have you been?"I ask.
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

Renge: I smile. I love being hugged. "Max. . .I'm not really sure. We were waiting but decided to play a game but we never got around to it. I think we were knocked out but we're fine.... so I'm not sure..." I glance at the other people who came out of the cave. "Who are they? I saw them in my vision but... how'd you find them?"
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

Takin decided it was best to just forget wondering who they were right now. So he returned his gaze back to Destiny. He gently stroked her hair as she appeared to be having a nightmare.
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

Apollo: I was glad we had found everyone. I hung back, since I wasn't into the touchy freely stuff.
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

Renge: I looked over at Apollo and frowned. "I missed you too you know" I knew he didn't like hugs but right now I could honestly care less.
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

Max-"i'm so happy you all are safe.'I say.
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

Apollo: "I missed you guys too." I, begrudgingly, gave them a hug.
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

Renge: I straighten up trying to look more confident after everything. "So now what?"
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

Talon watched the others silently from where he sat with Destiny.
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

Renge: I looked over in the cave and saw a pair of eyes staring back at me. "Um..." I listened for their thoughts but they were silent, just watching. If they were erasers they would've had only one thing one their mind, kill them. "HI!!" I shout. "WHAT'S YOUR NAME?"
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

"Talon, and please don't shout," he said, looking at the still sleeping Destiny.
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

Renge: "oh sorry." I fly over to get a better look and see a girl next to this person. She was sleeping. "I'm Renge." 
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

Max-"oh,i almost forgot,Renge and Angel this is Talon and Destiny,Talon(destiny could meet them when she awoke)this is angel and Renge they were the kids we were looking for."I say. Angel-"llo."I say shyly.
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

Renge: I smile at them. They seemed kinda scared. "Hi" I say in my most friendly voice.
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

Talon gave them a small smile. "Nice to meet you," he said.
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

Max-i am so happy that everyone is togethor again.I smile and look at everyone in the cave the whole flock is here and maybe some new family members.
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

"So, are we just going to stay here for the night then?" Talon asked.
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

Max-"we should stay here for the night then head to the other cave tommorow."i say.okay now that everyone's togethor I have to keep it that way, start acting like a leader and stop being worried I tell myself this over and over.I wait until everyone is asleep before i doze off myself. Angel-i fall asleep and dream a about soaring far away from the school, Erasers,and all my troubles.
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

Max-i wake up to the sound of rushing water.I wake up and splash my head under the water. I look around and see that the others are still sleeping.I decide to let them sleep while I keep watch.
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Re: The Flock

11 Years Ago

Renge: I dreamed of a boy. He was like us with wings, but I'd never seen him before. He flew around with Max. I looked for the others but they weren't there. Just this boy and Max. She wasn't smiling and you could tell how much hate she had for him. He looked hurt when she started yelling. I saw something in his eyes that said he was suppose to be with her, or maybe he just believed it. She slapped him across the cheek and flew away. When I woke up I just stared at Max and Apollo for awhile. Dreams like this are sometimes visions too. I wasn't sure if I should tell her about it.