The Howie Fan Club : Forum : MOST WANTED

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17 Years Ago


All Points Bulletin

Watch out for this man!

He is armed with a rapier wit
and should be considered extremely dangerous!
He will lure you in with his not inconsiderable charm.
He will weave an innocent tale, full of endearments.
And then, he will strike!
When you least expect it, the anvil will fall
and you will be just the latest of Wile E. Coyote's Roadrunner kills.
Another notch in his belt.
DON'T let it happen to you!!!
Or if the threat is imminent,
know that you can call on your very own
band of brothers/sisters/transgenders fellow victims for support!
We will be there in an instant!
What the Hell, we can't resist the Best Bad Boy Ever, either!!!

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[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Yeah, but wanted by who?

My God... blown up this size you can see my skin is terrible! ::suprised::
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[no subject]

16 Years Ago


A new picture has been obtained of the nefarious HoWie. We cannot reveal the source, only that we have an agent on the inside. We can only hope and pray that you do not come in such close proximity that this photo will actually help in identification. If so, just put on a brave face... and Good Luck!

87029800-1188668099.jpg picture by CyberMoi

You will note in the background an image of the much-maligned Mouse. We are yet uncertain of her true allegiance, although she may well be a double agent. Until more is known, you should exercise care in her presence, as well.

Stay tuned for the most current alerts...


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[no subject]

16 Years Ago

You know... I thought that there was something odd about her... a general shiftiness, a twitch of the eyes, an inability to digest solids and her strange midnight vigils at the bottom of the garden with the flickering lights.  Is she an agent of the Network or... oh hang on... oh!

InvasionoftheBodySnatchers1956.jpg picture by blaarts

Ah... that explains why the greenhouse has been locked...

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[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Oh and I would further like to point out that Mouse is galled that I've put that picture of her on my photos, and now here it is for all to see in its shocking and glorious technicolour!! Heh heh heh...


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[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I think Mouse is a lovely young lady.

(Encrypted Message:  Ouse - May, on my show at GMT -5 iday-Fray listen for urther-fray structions-inay or on the media ayer-play on my ember-may age-pay anytime after that.)


PS - you do not need to use your decoder ring

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The EYES have it!

16 Years Ago

It is important to remember:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Special goggles are available at the home office and will be issued after the proper training.