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Anyone would think one BlogTalkRadio show would be enough but that's just not me. After the last two (and the first two) Air Atta Ca Talks Shows I have been higher than a kite. My Man is snoring away and even my dog wants me to go to bed but I'm alive and chatty. So now I show that Comes right after Air Atta Ca Talk called Sunny's Wind Down. For more information and to call in and talk to me (PLEASE!!) see the featured story area. I will pick a fun topic (no politics, blah) and will discuss it until my hearts content. I then will be ready to jump into bed with my friendly lovable (snoring) Bear.

CLICK ON THE MICROPHONE TO HEAR "SUNNY'S SIN CITY" - Starts at 11pm on Friday (That's 12 am East Coast Friday/Saturday & 10 pm West Coast Friday)

BlogTalkRadio Listen Live

"Sunny Wind Down" you can call into by calling (347) 215-7692 and discuss, argue, laugh or yell at me.

Didn't get a chance to catch this week's Sunny's Wind Down or Sunny's Sin City? That's okay. Just listen to this page and it will play for you automatically last week's show:

CLICK ON THE MICROPHONE TO HEAR "AIR ATTA CA TALK" - Starts at 12 midnight CDT (That's 1am East Coast Saturday & 10pm West Coast Friday)

To call into "Air Atta Ca Talk" call (646) 716-8897

Buckle your Seat Belt. It's going to be a smooth, very smooth, ride.

Both are Adults Only shows so please be over 17 to listen or call in.

Did the last week's Air Atta Ca Talk take a nose dive or did it stay high above the clouds? Only you can tell me by listening and then private messaging me here.

Want to listen to Air Atta Ca Talk and not Sunny's Wind Down? Then click on the pause arrow on the media player above and click on the arrow of the media player below or go to the "Air Atta Ca Talk" member page.

Click on the arrow and wait a second or two:

Big Tarintino and Rodriquez fan. Would like to have my stories be like their movies. Tarintino has been quoted to say, "You may like or hate my movies but you know you have seen a movie." That is what I would like readers to feel about my short stories.

Grew up in Colorado. Lived in LA most of my life and now live in central Texas.

Have finished two rough drafts for 2 books and writing the third. It is a series which is adventure, comedy, mystery, and romance all in one.

I still am suffering from Howieitis. Its symptoms come from reading too many stories of Howie's and starting to care if he goes camping, is suffering from Hayfever (that would kill a lesser man) or attends a rock concert. I found someone that suffers from the same malady and have started a group of devoted Howie fans (see groups; Howie's Fan Club). They may find a cure someday but until then I guess I am left to suffer by reading all the stuff (crap) he writes. The AMA journal hasn't written on the subject yet but I'm sure there must be some doctors in the UK (where the epidemic originated, like Mad Cow Disease) who are working on a cure. Until then pray for me.

Want to know how old I am? Here's how old:

I attended my first rock concert when I was 14 and I saw the Rolling Stones on their first US tour.

I saw Janis Joplin live on her first US tour and I was 16.

I missed seeing Jimi Hendrix set his guitar aflame at Red Rocks, Colorado because the tickets were sold out.

I missed Led Zepplin on their first tour because my friend bought stolen tickets. Thought they were kind of cheap for the first row but what did I know I was only 17. Spent the evening in the police station answering questions and hoping my parents didn't find out.

Saw the Rocky Horror Picture Show in the third calendar year of its release and I was 26. That was in Pacific Beach, San Diego, California.

I've lived in Denver, Colorado (Born and Raised), San Diego, California (3 years), Los Angeles, California (most of my life), Atlanta, Georgia (19 months), and, now, Austin, Texas.

I think nothing is worse than hurting a child or a pet (cattle are dumb, pigs and chicken stink so eat them all you want, just kill them fast).

Nothing is better than sex, a good blues guitar with a really good slow beat behind it, some music from the 60's, the Rocky Horror Picture Show, some other musicals, controlling a large group of people (hence me leading groups, it's genetic), and sitting down at my computer to write crap or communicate with my new Cafe friends.

The best of all is sex with blues playing in the background and a lover playing with me in the foreground.

I usually don't express my political views. I believe everybody can figure them out by the life I lead and shows I have but here is a poem by Benjamin Franklin's uncle (who also was named Benjamin Franklin) that I found particularly poignant and hit the mark:

To my Namesake upon a Report of his Inclination to Martial Affairs, July 7th, 1710

Believe me, Ben, war is a dangerous trade.
The sword has many marred as well as made;
By it do many fall, not many rise--
Makes many poor, few rich, and fewer wise:
Fills towns with ruin, fields with blood; beside
'Tis Sloth's maintainer and the shield of Pride.
Fair cities, rich today in plenty flow,
War fills with want tomorrow, and with woe.
Ruined estates, vice, broken limbs, and scars
Are the effects of desolating wars.

View my profile on BOOK PLACE


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Guys, for those of you who don't know, sadly Sunny Goodman passed away last week following a long battle with cancer - she will be sorely missed - what a gal. x

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Sunny.... my 'e-Mum' - you will be sorely missed. Even though we never actually met, we chatted a lot online and exchanged a lot of messages. I still smile when I think of that time you emailed me and said, 'I hope you don't think that this is weird, but I've set up 'The Howie Fan Club' on here,'.
Where ever you are I hope that 'Howieitis' isn't bothering you too much... stuff won't be the same without you - you clearly touched a lot of people out there and you will be missed.
Take care chick, love your e-Son - Howie :( xx

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hello Pictures, Images and Photos

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Posted 15 Years Ago

sunny i have missed you... hope all is ok!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey Sunny long time no talk... wanted to say hello and hope all is well in the Big state.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

hi Sunny!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi Sunny! How are you? Just wanted to stop by and say hello! :)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

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Posted 16 Years Ago

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Posted 16 Years Ago

View my page on Write To Live
