The Review Club : Forum : Discussion for Gabe's Bipolar ..

Discussion for Gabe's Bipolar Bear - Lightning Bugs and The Man of Steel

17 Years Ago

This is the place to respond to reviews and for further discussion of Gabe's Bipolar Bear - Lightning Bugs and The Man of Steel.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Thanks everyone for the reviews. They have helped alot and I've already made some changes. Loekie I must say that I disagree with the notion of italicizing Thoughts. I very rarely see it in literature and most of anything writen isn't in italicts. I know writers like to do it when posting on sites like this for clearness but I must say, when a person speaks there are quotation marks and when someone is thinking they arent. Discriptors aren't italisized either because they should, if writen clearly be different as far as context. In most stories people describe their settings by the use of thoughts, so then that would be italisized too. Do you see what I'm talking about? Let me know what you think.


[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Since the majority of what I read is sci-fi and fantasy, right now, I see it used all the time. Plus this has been a comment which I've received on more than one review for my stuff.

At the same time, I suppose it is also a personal thing. For me, it guides the reader, setting things up, and makes the transition easier. It makes the POV shift work, for me. I suppose it comes down to a personal style. Which is fine. In the end, you, CC and I agree to disagree. There isn't a canon written any where about this. You guys can keep on without italics and I will keep on with my italics.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I suppose so, It's just that if I were to fololw this idea and I finished collecting all of my shorts and pieced them together into a collection a lot would be itaicts because a major part of my work is in thought. Now I think as far as supernatural goes, if two people are communicating through thought then it should be italicized. But if I were to do that and italicized normal thought it would be all italicts except for tags and language.

By the way, what does cc have to do with this? Are you guys having the same conversation?



[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Hey Gabe, I dropped my comments into your story. I hope it helps. Feel free to ask if there's anything further you'd like to ask. Cheers.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I appreciate everyones reviews, Thank you.

While there are a lot of things to consider from all of the reviews there are a few problems that I feel are not helping me that make up a majority of the reviews.

These pieces are in no way supposed to go together, not even a little bit. I just posted them together because neither one is long enough to post alone.

Also, I know that some things are left open or not explained such as the problems with my the main characters family, this is because the collection consists of 50 to 100 seperate short stories, if I explained them all, it would be a novel and not a collection.

As far as Rich not speaking to the character, in real life he didn't. sometimes you don't speak when disgusted, I guess I need to make that clearer.

Anyway, thanks for helping i will take most of of your comments into consideration.
