The Review Club : Forum : Discussion for Leah's True Min..

Discussion for Leah's True Minds - Chapter One: A Shadow in Vaaseli

17 Years Ago

This is the place to respond to reviews and for further discussion of Leah's True Minds - Chapter One: A Shadow in Vaaseli

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17 Years Ago

Review is up ::cool::

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17 Years Ago

My review's in Leah. Damn that was well done.

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17 Years Ago

I've skimmed all the reviews, and they confirm what I've been suspecting. I need to strengthen Wythe's character, cut down on detail a bit, and get my sentence structure under control.
Rob knows that I've been working on revising this thing for a long time now, and the first chapters are the worst. I didn't know where it was going when I started, and didn't know the characters. By the time I got to about chapter ten I had a much better idea of all of that, but didn't go back to fix anything until the whole thing was finished. Of course by then I was sick of it. Everything I learned while writing I applied to the new stuff I started working on, and that was so much easier than rethinking and rewriting the old stuff I just tried patching things up. I think the first chapter still just needs a little fixing, but before I post any more I'm going to do total rewrites. One of the things that's been most useful to my story-telling has been the insight into PoV I've gathered from other writers. Switching PoV has helped before, and it will help again. Watch for something totally different in upcoming chapters. I don't know when I'll share them. My next offerings might be my most recent stuff, just to give you all an idea of what I can do now, after I've been writing seriously for a couple of years.
I thank you all for the thoughtful and most kind reviews.