The Writers' Coffeehouse : Forum : Why a pen name?

Why a pen name?

10 Years Ago

For those of you who have a pen name... What were your reasons for choosing a pen name? And did it fulfill its purpose? For quite some time I have seen many pen names. Such as Nora Roberts wrote for a while as JD Robbs (or somesuch). I mean heck. for all I know, Nora Roberts could be a pen name too. lol If you chose it for a writing reason (I am more interested in those who chose to do so for other than publishing reasons) what was the reason? For instance creative purposes. Did you choose to do so because once you did get published, maybe you didn't want your family to know that you had written about such a topic? Or did it allow you to say things under a disguise because you didn't want people to know that you wrote about them in a round-a-bout way? Please feel free to respond. I'm not here to pass judgement on anyone, I truly am interested on other peoples' reasons why. Thank you for reading. :-)

Re: Why a pen name?

10 Years Ago

I use a pen name for now for entirely practical reasons. People make certain assumptions about certain types of writing. For example, I won a contest several years ago in which the subject matter was an argument in favour of abortion, and it was assumed by the way I wrote it I must have had an abortion, inviting all sorts of controversy into my life. I write about serial killers adulterers etc., live in a smaller city with conservative values, and have a job that depends on pretty conservative clientele, and have young kids in school where I am an active member in school politics. If you make it big, somehow people either don't care or don't assume, but as long as my writing is not my main source of income, I prefer to remain unconnected to my work.

Re: Why a pen name?

10 Years Ago

I use a pen name here because it was an option. I think that many writers use pen names to keep certain "outside" people from pestering them. I'm not full of myself, it's just that I have had trouble with people on other web pages who love to argue, and drain positive energies. I don't have the desire or skills to "fix" their personality problems.

Women often used pen names because they'd have been mocked, or condemned for writing better erotica, etc. than some men. Pen names also protect the writers from late night calls, heavy breathers, and other malcontents. (hopefully)

Pen names can sound better than one's real name. "Hampton Ballantine" might sound more appealing than "Joe Brent" when writing 1800's romance.  

Re: Why a pen name?

10 Years Ago

I know it's not uncommon for women especially the use pennames, and unfortunately it's for good reason. There is a feeling that the general public does not want to read certain books or genres if they are written by women, and that their being a woman must mean the story is going to be filled with romance and frillyness. Of course this is a totally outdated and untrue stereotype, but it still rings in people's minds as truth. So female authors will take on a more unisex or nondescript sounding pen name (such as J.K Rowling did)  

Personally, my pen name comes simply from the fact I dislike my last name, and feel that my first and middle name together sounds much more pleasant and is a better representation of myself and my writing.