Therapy Through Poetry : Forum : you have it? you have it?

16 Years Ago

Have you caught yourself thinking you have worked your way through an issue only to find it reappear in the next relationship unscathed? My nemesis is the Spirit of Discernment-when it comes to people I don't have it.  Between what I was told, and what I wanted to hear, I can't tell the liars from the truth sayers, the sincere from the insincere.  Words mean everything to me, especially thosethat go unsaid.  I never believed in "actions speak louder than words" I always naively thought words spoke the loudest and silences were dangerous.  I know now I was wrong-cliche's don't become cliche's without some truth in them.  Actions DO speak louder than words. Actions speak volumes in minutes. So many people are 'wannabes'-I wanna be loved, I wanna be a better person, I wanna, I wanna.  It does not mean this is where they are-it only means this is where they WANT TO BE. I so often fell for the I wanna be's as actually meaning-I am. I saw what I wanted to see rather than what was there.  Rose colored glasses are the last to break.  What has been your experience with discernment?