What People Say : Forum : A quote

Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

Fortune favours the bold! ;)

Re: A quote

8 Years Ago


Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

"The best will always be the best from beginning."

Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

"heaviness drowns the mind. Not the heart"

Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

("...am I allowed to quote myself then..." asked the goblin, adding "...the quote is the black line in the text...")

repost from the his thread in this forum's cafe

the goblin lets the post write itself, where often he feared that if he didn't let it, it wouldn't then, so the simple fact of switching off the distractions, first those obvious ones, and then slowly recognizing those others too switching them off as well, had become an objective in itself here, in fact the bistro was better than his home in this way, yes there was both noise, people, and clutter still, but they were not his concern here, just they, like the rest of it, were happening around him and not to him so to speak, then suddenly, he voiced aloud to himself something looking at the slot, saying "...this life will always find those tokens of value for one if one doesn't recognize true value for oneself...", so the other heads in the bistro would turn towards him for a brief moment, before they too, dismissed his utterance as yet another distraction to them again

Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

I love them!

Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

Originally posted by Treble
I love them!

("...then here's another..." went the goblin)

repost from elsewhere, the "one word 365 days" thread, chatting with the mouse

“…I give you my word then, but rather than choosing an actual word per se, instead I'll promise to continue like this…” went the goblin supportively, appreciating the finesse of the mouse’s penmanship too, while his day just seemed a cascade of snowflakes to the eye with some fresh blanket of snow beneath it just daring him to make some temporary path across its surface for no real reason bar its being his choice in this very moment, smiling “…well, those readers only ever get to see these tracks that we left behind by us now, while we for our part barely relate with our pens that which we come across, but if a fighter goes down fighting, then we'll go down writing...", yet time's snow would fall afresh again and the goblin's tracks would be covered over once more, so the futility seemed quite obvious to him at least, and yet the goblin just smiled, saying "...ah but you only ever have this present moment with the all past gone and with that future unpromised, thus writing for a reason becomes no reason to write and where writing for no reason becomes the reason to write by that default then, so just watch my boots now...", as the goblin then trod firmly across the snow in some pointless defiance understood only to himself mostly

Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

Perfect for a writer!

Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

So true. "What you can do today, don't leave it for tomorrow." again...just translated...lol.

Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

That's such a quote for me!
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Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

And there will be no more sins

Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

("...quoting myself again, if that's ok with you humans..." went the goblin, adding "...written while my mother was going south to dementia, a small break to declare taxes...")

repost from elsewhere

the goblin's stay in geneva was but short one, where once more he would make his way through the cemetery to the local tax-office probably thinking man, who is born of women has but a short time to pay taxes and although the congregation of the tax-office resembled that of a church, with the same ties, same feeling of absolution, same wiping of the slate clean, etc., only the god was different, whereupon the goblin then saw four horses pass before him in the reception, their being capitalism's promise of inequality, insecurity's promise of fear, poverty's promise of crime and resignation's promise of childlessness, and then wondered if this was the type of thing most people would daydream while waiting in the tax-office, "....anyway..." muttered the goblin to himself before muttering on "..."tax here, death outside and god upstairs" should read the sign above the door then...", but then latter with the goblin's dues duly declared now he dances merrily out of the tax-office into the cemetery again feeling absolutely absolved to the moneygod until the sobriety of just seeing so many gravestones around him suddenly stopped him with a momentary thought to the words "...ah yes, it's funny how we build so much of our lives upon some mere assumption of certainty...", the goblin then quickened his pace homeward now, somehow the clear winter's day had turned a deathly cold

Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

It's true. I, for example, used to live with the expectation that nothing would change and that everything would go my way. And now? Now, I recognize the caterpillars and tiger's unpredictability.

Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

("...me again..." went the goblin)

from the goblin's journal

"...hey, don't drown before the boat sinks..." a line the goblin replied wondering if he was really saying that more for himself than for his mother upon hearing her death-wish, yet somehow the worse moments were when she half knew then, that dementia ebbed away at her in waves of more and then less awareness throughout, where those moments of awareness sometimes brought on despair, "...after all, you're looking so much better than last week...". "...am I...", she raised her hand toward him "...of course you are..." taking the hand firmly, continuing "...but you must drink more liquid now as that's doctor's orders, another coffee perhaps..." voiced the goblin sensing that either she was over it or that she had forgotten herself already

Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

Oh my gosh! You have no idea how fitting that is for a friend of mine!

Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

("...well I'm rather prolific, so you must let me know when I'm over posting here..." replied the goblin hoping Treble wouldn't mind a picture with the post now, adding "...yes, I always find a picture, why, because that way one gains an eye for illustrating, btw have you ever played "last post" against a livewriter MYAHAHAA, don't even think about it...")

repost from elsewhere

I'm in the lead, I'm in the lead!!! I'll edit this thread when I'm losing.

"...ah good, yet another hopeful moddy there..." went the goblin now, adding "...where I love these "last post" threads for the chance to post anything and thus win by it now, not that I will ever post just anything though, no, because it's all a reflection of self where the effort one puts into one's posts become the ingrained reward one gets out of doing this...", somehow the goblin's present revving coffee-fueled brain always seemed just that bit more imaginatively when faced by a greedy little slot like this, concluding "...ah no, one should never ever be that which one has written before, those sitting on their laurels previously published types there, for one's writings mustn't have that past tense to it, and besides too, I feel more alive and aware while I am still creating new posts each day now...", so the goblin's autopsy would probably read "death by posting abuse", yes but isn't that exactly what he would have wished for himself too

Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

I love it, but what does the bold part mean?

Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

Originally posted by Treble
I love it, but what does the bold part mean?

("...I thought this thread was dedicated to quotes..." replied the goblin, continuing "...where the bold bits are my quotes then...", before the goblin smiled back to Treble saying "...now you must say when you want me to stop posting, I'll return to my place on this forum's cafe, in fact I'm more used to being alone but I'll keep you company whenever you wish it...")

repost from elsewhere, a woman's interest "last post" thread

the goblin always thanked the posters for their score keeping assumptions but for the goblin the score was always going to be "this one present last post itself with everything else past", but then the goblin added "...ah but at any moment it could be yours if you post again..." ventured the goblin winning this time but knowing that he would lose to the next poster, explaining "...the fact that one lives against one's death gives this life its depth, whereas the fact that one posts against one's silence gives forumland its depth too, yet both are quite futile aren't they now..."


Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

Oh, and I understood as much. The bold parts are beautiful quotes. I'm just wondering what this one means.

Re: A quote

8 Years Ago

What's the contest? Whats the quote? Hows it work? Im still new here!