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the road

10 Years Ago

the road 

i walked down this road, few days back as a child-
my eyes were full of hope, and mind was simple and wild;
so many hands came and touched me, calming my galloping heart
so many beautiful eyes, tearing my ignorance apart;
too many new feelings that, i was quite unable to hold-
too many mysteries behind, that i could never unfold,
n' too many hopes and dreams, too little knowledge of hurt-
too many affection to those i could never become a part-
threw me right off the road, wasted and broken everywhere,
i begged for help, even cried; but no one seemed to care. 

i walk this road as a person, oh yes, yet again
with my eyes open widely n' mind crippled with pain-
now i see what was so foggy in that early morn-
all those sweet flowers, this time, along with their thorn;
all those soft hands, with their wrinkled bodies behind-
all those sparkling eyes hiding a starving mind!
i keep stumbling on my massacred dream
i keep wishing had i been able to scream-
but i keep walking, as when the new sun smiles-
i see this road only, laid over a thousand more miles....
covered up in fog and perhaps, stories untold-
in need of a little warmth, frozen in cold! 
i can't help but walk straight ahead-
there's nothing else in this world i can do instead! 

Re: the road

10 Years Ago

Very deep, very good. I like your word choice! Great description words, made me see what you were describing in my mind. I enjoyed reading this!
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Re: the road

10 Years Ago

Very nice. Enjoyed the visuals. Thank you for sharing. Good work!