hardluckbaby : Writing

Shotgun Kiss

Shotgun Kiss

A Poem by hardluckbaby

the perfect first kiss


A Story by hardluckbaby

This is based on a dream of mine.


A Poem by hardluckbaby

for second chances
Happy Feet

Happy Feet

A Poem by hardluckbaby

We break.We cry.We try to pick up the pieces.We somehow manage to mend.We stand up.And fall again.But we live. We move forward.I guess that's how we s..
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Music Player

Music Player

A Poem by hardluckbaby

Love is just like a songPlay, pause and rewindIt may be short, it may be longIt could be hard to find.Play it to discoverTo hear the first timeSoon th..
I was with you when I had the night of my life.

I was with you when I had the night of my life.

A Story by hardluckbaby

November 24th, 2009. The night I allowed my knees to get weak.The sky was jet black, the wind was cold, but I was sweating as if I've jogged a hundred..


A Poem by hardluckbaby

in the process of moving on
It almost feels like June

It almost feels like June

A Poem by hardluckbaby

waiting for the summer to end so i could be with you again
You, Me, and Cigarettes

You, Me, and Cigarettes

A Poem by hardluckbaby

You just happened.A little bit of luck, a little bit of fate.A little bit of common friends,A little bit of a date.Things just happen.For a reason, fo..