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Kronstad, Norway
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Block Writer Block Writer


The Thing The Thing

A Story by Jace

About Me

Hello WritersCafe!

I came to this place because the only feedback friend I had, I lost, when I decided to move to Norway from USA.

I've always liked stories. I started writing down my own at 13. Before that, I had trouble keeping it all reeled in inside my head. It was hell to go to sleep whenever I had to, since stories would keep playing out in my head with no way out. When I took to my family desktop and started typing, everything got better and everything changed.

I love writing down stories. I write every day, from a paragraph, to a page, to ten pages, depending on what time I have on my hands. I can write a short story, or a hefty one. My main issue is focusing on a particular story, when at any given time, I am writing three to four different ones. I am known to leave stories undone 100 to 200 pages in. Forget them for years before I remember I had them and then try to continue them. Sometimes it works, other times, they are just lost as I forgot the point of them.

I write best when I have feedback as it helps me focus on a single project. I say there's no bad feedback, if something is wrong or doesn't work, then it doesn't. I'm not a master writer. I do it mostly to quiet the many characters and monsters living inside my head. It's my hobby, and yet it is such a big part of my life and my being that I cannot bear to call it a simple hobby. It is more of an obsession. I must write until my mind is empty. Sometimes it can be an hour or two, other times, I can spend much more than that. I have been known to write for over eight hours without stopping. Sustenance be damned!

This is why I am here. I want people to encourage me to keep my mind in one single project. Or two. It makes writing a lot more fun.

I welcome all feedback as long as it is respectful. :)

I hope to know you well, WritersCafe!

P.S. Though I focus on supernatural, I dwell in to much more than that, so I won't choose a particular genre.