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About Me

Hello all!
My name is Emily, I'm 20, I am definitely not at home in this tiny MN town, and soon I will be the most famous author my generation. I go to Barnes and Noble to see where my book will sit on the shelves someday (always next to JD Salinger, fyi). And my dream is for my books to be so popular, people write horrible, depraved fan fiction and make creepy anime drawings about them.

I joined WC back in 08 and I love the atmosphere here! I'm a novelist by nature, can't imagine being anything else.

The Sons of Thunder books are my current project. Book one (Sons of Thunder) is finished at least in a first draft. Book Two (Glory of Sons) is a work in progress with many chapters still on the way. Frankly, I'm pretty proud of them, they've been well reviewed, and they've eaten up almost five years of my life, so be a dear and check them out.

Send me a message, a friend request, or (best of all) a review! Read requests are OFF! If you want me to read something of yours bad enough, send me a message! If you review me, I'll try my best to reivew back. Keep in mind, I review bluntly and would rather not write anything than leave a review that is only negative. I especially love finding good novels, I know how hard it is to get people to read them, but I'll read anything (though I warn you I'm a little daft at poetry). I LOVE meeting cool new people here, so send me a message! <3

PS: In the words of Hemingway, "The first draft of anything is s**t," so keep in mind I post raw so people can read what I have to say without waiting for my EXTENSIVE editing process. That is all!


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Posted 8 Years Ago

Again 9 months later I hope you are doing well I really just love to come back and see the life that milling about

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Thank you for continuing to write amidst this dead atmosphere! As long as you update I'll keep coming back!

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Posted 10 Years Ago

I miss you.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

-Project Novelist Identification
Display name: Ashes
Member ID: 001
Name: Ashley Rankin Ruth
Username: DesertRain
Novels: .----.
Statuses: Group Owner

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Posted 11 Years Ago

I haven't seen you on in forever but keep updating please :) your book is amazing :) and I wanna see the end of book 2

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Great to see you Emily. Have missed you a lot.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Thanks Bunches!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Hi there just stopping by late at night! Hope school is amaxing and u dont have as much work as i :/ ill be spending homecomijg speaking french..if u know what i mean. But anyways ciao 4 now

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Posted 11 Years Ago

ugh, i hate this. i cant even read them. dont have time.
have math to do.
i swear i will when i get like... ten seconds free of trig.
:D im soooo excited.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

oh goodness that class sounds like epicness:D and yeah sounds like it could come in handy.