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About Me

Heyy, to whoever is reading my profile right now! Before you continue on, I would just like you to know something important about me and my stories. I am an amateur writer, which means I'm not a professional or a beginner. Sometimes my stories are really good and sometimes they're really bad, depends really. Most of my stories are based on movies that I've seen (mostly Indian, but I'm not Indian though, I'm Muslim) and some of them are based on life experiences. Most of my stories are tagged Love, Romance, & Young Adult and there are some with Teen. And that's really all I have to say about that.
Now about me, I am a nice person. I really am. After reading the above paragraph, you must be thinking I'm some boring square with perfect spelling and grammar, sometimes I am, but other times I just choose to write in text talk, mostly in comments and messages. Also I don't care what you're like, I don't care if you're black, white, bi, gay, lesbian, etc. you're welcome to be my friend as long as you are nice to me and respect my thoughts and blah, blah, blah. Just thought I'd say that, because there are a lot of people in this world that are like that and a lot of people who are against all that, my sister being one.

Real Name: Maria
Age: 13
Birthday: August 29, 1997
Hair Color: Black
Right/Left Handed: Right
Fav. TVs: Code Lyoko, Destroy, Build, Destroy, Dude, What Would Happen? Pretty Little Liars, Jersey Shore, Gigantic, MTV Cribs, CSI: New York & CSI: Miami, NCIS, Law & Order, (anything really with crime scene investigations)
Single/Taken: It's...complicated.