Gabriel Sifuentes

Gabriel Sifuentes


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belle Plaine, IA
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About Me

I am 27 years old and I have spent most of life in Iowa, a city about amongst the farm towns and fields and sharing in the hope that is grown in middle America. I was born in Heidelberg, Germany but returned to the states around the time I was eighteen months. I never knew my father for most of my life and only really met him when I was 11 and he asked for me and my siblings to stay with him for a year. That year consists of around 98% of the time I have spent with him though perhaps someday this will change. I am the youngest of three with one older brother and sister. I am a high school drop out by choice and a college dreamer by lack of finances though with some help from work that dream may yet come true soon. I've been writing since the second grade, at least on paper. God gave me a crazy imagination that is overused but still not used enough. My faith in Him drives me and inspires me as does my love for everyone around me. In a perfect world there would be no hate, but alas we are all imperfect beings. My goal is to finish the editing on the novel that I completed with two of my closets friends and finally get my own finished. Life has brought me new inspiration lately through a combination of emotional healing and coming to a new understand of my past by battling the mental and emotional demons that plagued for most of my life since early childhood. My attitude towards writing is to put my faith and love for Christ into Christian works for the secular world, not to preach or convert, but simply tell the stories that have made me who I am and to show the world that even in a world that lies in despair, with hatred, and bloodshed, bigotry and famine, there is always a place that you can come to to find Love, Hope, and Faith. God Bless You All