JessyJacob : Writing

you have, money but for me rekkadhithey kani dhokkadadhu...

you have, money but for me rekkadhithey kani dhokk..

A Chapter by JessyJacob

You have money, but for me without work i cant feed my please take care of yourself, too much sex is poison too and dont exploit your harm..
What worries me is she..

What worries me is she..

A Chapter by JessyJacob

What worries me is she, i thought she needs care in hospital, but i finally felt he is getting disturbed much under stress which is hiiting his chest ..
I wish happy wedding anniversary to my parents

I wish happy wedding anniversary to my parents

A Chapter by JessyJacob

I wish happy wedding day and many more anniversaries today is hhete 44th wedding aniversay with a happy married life. I wish my parents to live ha..
The beautiful song for you

The beautiful song for you

A Chapter by JessyJacob

Love my hero ... A telugu song Which i just remembered the lyrics You come take me, You s..
if you are 50 you will not play this game..

if you are 50 you will not play this game..

A Chapter by JessyJacob

if you are 50, you will definitely not play the game,let me die, why do you care,please stop this,,,,,
who effected?/

who effected?/

A Chapter by JessyJacob

i got ruined you got ruined, your family suffering,innocents are suffering, still God is helping her family, what a people they are to be blessed by,n..
i want to delete my reviews to any,

i want to delete my reviews to any,

A Chapter by JessyJacob

i want to deete my reviews to any and my writings,everyone should know how much it takes to build from scrach again,for copiers and shortcuters, ethic..
There is a family..

There is a family..

A Chapter by JessyJacob

I just need one that family,where the people are like flowers in the gardenLotus, lily, rose, jasmineLotus is my mom who is so frank, patient and toug..
My first trial of his poetry

My first trial of his poetry

A Chapter by JessyJacob

The wind with its fragrant breeze,leaves on trees buzzling with with sweet noisethere birds singing their voces, kuhooo, kuhooothe river flowing anxio..
Hey hero!!

Hey hero!!

A Chapter by JessyJacob

The queen bee in drizzling rain,fluttering her wingsthere the king bee cant wait to hug her from back....The crow feeding food to her husband crow,the..