J.A. Stevens : Writing

Carbonic Maceration

Carbonic Maceration

A Poem by J.A. Stevens

total nonsense of epic proportion
Assessing Me

Assessing Me

A Poem by J.A. Stevens

Assessing Me
Orange Blossom Lady

Orange Blossom Lady

A Poem by J.A. Stevens

Little Johnny met a girl Sweet as orange blossom honey She made him feel that the entire world Was joyful, bright and sunny An..
Iphin the Gryphon

Iphin the Gryphon

A Poem by J.A. Stevens

A cute little nonsense poem
Walk With Me

Walk With Me

A Poem by J.A. Stevens

words of love for my true and everlasting angel
Kiss of an Angel

Kiss of an Angel

A Poem by J.A. Stevens

for my baby
A New Poem

A New Poem

A Poem by J.A. Stevens

Whatever !!!!
One Instance

One Instance

A Poem by J.A. Stevens

a vision of the totalitarian police state in action
I Try

I Try

A Poem by J.A. Stevens

though why is a whole other subject
Separation of Hearts

Separation of Hearts

A Poem by J.A. Stevens

A poem i wrote for my friend who's lover is currently serving in afgahnistan