Jon Roggie : Writing

What do you mean points?

What do you mean points?

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Points?Do you think I came here for points?Reminds me of a saying,"Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!"No.I will carry on, and like a child in t..
Even in a world of black and white

Even in a world of black and white

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Always heard, it was so much easier back then.Choices were simple.Obvious as black and white.Now, sit and think for a moment.Just an example of the ex..
Pecking order

Pecking order

A Poem by Jon Roggie

I enjoy watching birds.Spend some time, watch how they get along.Drop a few crumbs, little ones come forward.Draws the attention of others.Soon, the p..
Wings of our past

Wings of our past

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Think of your past as a stone to hold you back?Your choice.Dwell.Let it drag you down.Refuse to try to move forward.Not my personal choice.I prefer to..
Been too long

Been too long

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Time just never seems too stand still.Try to stop for a bit, but the images flash by.Give each a smile, ask for their return.Now, finally taking a bre..
Can't think of a title

Can't think of a title

A Poem by Jon Roggie

You don't feel it.Not your fault.Makes it so you can barely understand.Every room crashes in, try to keep a smile.Each feeling drives me to solitude.S..
Where does it begin?

Where does it begin?

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Just a new rendition of an old story.Simple slight, and the blood is spilled across generations.Friends in the past, now wage war.Each side blames the..
Walk while I dream

Walk while I dream

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Time to rest, but I don't know where I will go.For someone, who seems stuck in a shell, I tend to fly.So, while I sleep, if I tend to wander,Let the ..
And I must apologize

And I must apologize

A Poem by Jon Roggie

I don't try to ignore you.I just get distracted.Words are felt, but seen before the beginning of a dream.....and there I go.As I awaken, try to reconn..
Escape the cage

Escape the cage

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Excuse me. Simple questions require simple answers.Why not?Thinking confined by others, just another way to allow the bars to be built.Going with the ..