Brett Connolly Banfe

Brett Connolly Banfe


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Haddonfield, NJ
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About Me

I started writing and getting interested in writing during a one year vow of silence I took in 2000. I've been interested in personal transformative processes for 8 years. I'm 25 years old. I subscribe to Integral Naked. I read Free Will Astrology. I go to music festivals and eat hallucinogenics and revel in the startling mystery of things as small as a blade of grass. I am a wandering bard, infecting this world with my sunny heart-energy. I love music, I write unconventional poetry, and I believe in the 2012 Maya Cosmogenesis. A time for global enlightenment. I herald and welcome the Age of Aquarius to teach us a new formula for existing with each other. I believe that people's woes are completely self-created. I think people accept a degree of the loss of control in exchange for a feeling of innocence amid the uncontrollable fates. I believe in a destiny. I am spiritual. I wear women's clothing occasionally. Basically, I am really really great and you should get to know me. I



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Posted 17 Years Ago

Just looking around. This community affords me the opportunity to meet others that share my interest in writing and books in general. It's becoming harder to meet people that read...there are so many distractions. People no longer need to read for entertainment, information, or just to pass time.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

wow Brett...thanks so much for the review...i agree that sometimes my work is a tad self-indulgent and excessive...ill definitely take your criticisms to heart

thanks again for taking the time to engage with my writing :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thank you so much, really flattered you wld do that...dont know what to say

i will have a look at your longer piece, hopefully tomorrow...i gotta come offline in about five minues (im at the library) at work on my own longer piece right now, too
