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Lancashire, United Kingdom
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A Poem by Dawn

Lightning Lightning

A Poem by Dawn

Darked winter Darked winter

A Poem by Dawn

Pain hurts Pain hurts

A Poem by Dawn

Night Night

A Poem by Dawn

For my Nan For my Nan

A Poem by Dawn

Name me Name me

A Poem by Dawn

Thinking aloud Thinking aloud

A Poem by Dawn

Future Future

A Poem by Dawn

About Me

I’m an avid writer, and reader. :)

Writing credentials are :

Creative Writing, Stage A and B with a pass of 64%.

Writer for ‘Lost Innocence’ 2005 by LSD films.

Scriptwriting with First Take run by the British Film Council.

Assistant Producer on ‘Mothers know best’ 2006 with First Take as part of their DVDL course in Liverpool.

Producer of ‘Jim’ 2009 with EDH Productions.

Published ‘Winds of Avala’ with Bob Bello and Sci Fi Almanac 2010

Co-writer on ‘IROBE’ with Melvin Johnson.

Co-writer on ‘Best Friends’ with Melvin Johnson.


My IMBD profile is at http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4603909/

My favourite genre is Science fiction/fantasy. But I also write and read in other areas.


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Hey! Gotta say, it's quite nice to meet other writers from the UK :)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey Dawn. Yeah, doing OK. Going back to grad school in the fall for MFA in poetry. Excited about that... No more truckdriving! HOpe all is well with you...

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Posted 15 Years Ago


Best wishes to you and your family for a wonderful New Year.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Don't worry about it - I haven't been on much either. I've been writing fanfiction mainly, and doing schoolwork. How have you been?


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi Dawn,
i hope that your scripts are getting greater reviews over there, any way i am alive and kicking so all is good.

Blessed be

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi Dawn just stopped by so see what is new and to let you know that i have some more new works up. so if you get the chance please stop on over.

Blessed be

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Posted 15 Years Ago

A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before we changed.

- Earl Nightingale

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi Dawn

Just wondering how is my favourite author from the Red Rose County of the UK. Not seen you about on here recently, so hope everything is OK. Have a good weekend, take care.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thanks, Dawn. I am just looking around the site to see what I can get involved in. There's so much I don't kow where to start!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hi there
long time no see or chat, (my fault, i know). how are you? going to read some of you new work so look out for some new comments.

Blessed be!!