

Vadodara, Gujarat, India
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About Me

I am a student at Vadodara. I am type of a very choosy one and love having friends. I believe that friends are not the primary reason to live life, but they surely are the ones you love and adore.
I always like people who have a wide thinking and think from different dimensions instead of just opposing and telling themselves to be the correct ones. Those who can do so can easily teach and live their lives fully and can easily adjust!!!!!
I like reading books all the time, only if they are interesting and worth reading. I like listening to songs, reading, writing and always being engaged in some task, otherwise I begin to feel really very boring and my anguish bursts out.I like drawing and watercolors. I always like to contribute time towards my friends and go out, meet them and have fun with them the whole day!!!!I love writing essays and novels and fantasies too.....they're your imagination which brings you forward to make your own world of thoughts..