Is not the time a curious measure?How ‘round-the-clock our watches we impinge.And glimpse the ticking tocks of a track’d turn-pin.`Its cyc..
The dead grasslands of Dethecia rolled in golden waves and crashed against the dark horizon. Here, life had become all but a long lost memory.Jeremiah..
Gabe knelt down before a towering gate of iron with a cold bar clinched in each fist. Locked! He was kneeling at the center of the gate, where the two..
I haven't thought of this in years. But when I was a child, I had a pet pig that Icalled Mr. Oinkster (stupid name, I know). Youprobably wouldn't beli..
The word “tragedy” implies death, but inverted tragedy, on the other hand, implies life. Tragic life, the travesties of which (these are ..
Read, write, and be read, but always be yourself, for your voice is yours alone and originality can be found within, if no where else...
Dedication to the real Poets. The masters of poetry..
We live by the abstract.
For Slippery Pete, wherever you are.See back in Uppstate, New York in the mid '90s you couldn't find a single oak tree under which there weren't two b..
To’ve sweet o’ercome the bitter, and warmth the cold,I would bear the bitter cold gladly,For the hurt we trade, a return tenfoldIn happine..