Selena Cane, Anne Hudson, Charlotte Jensen

Selena Cane, Anne Hudson, Charlotte Jensen


Everyone is a reader... Some just haven't found their favorite book yet.

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Eight months ago, Selena Cane, Anne Hudson, and Charlotte Jensen became partners in crime. All three of us have started many books but have never successfully finished one. Then once upon a time in our Sixth Period P.E. class we decided that we together would complete a book about and adventure in another land. This book soon became known as, Letherland.

From then on in every P.E. class we have discussed ideas and exactly what each person would add into their next chapter while getting hit in the head with a ball. So far this is the farthest any of us have gotten in a book, and although fellow author Charlotte Jensen will be moving to California at the end of the school year we plan to finish it.

Writing together as three authors is both difficult and rewarding. Sometimes it is difficult relying on each other but in other ways it keeps us motivated and that's what got us so far in Letherland. We organized the writing of the book in such a way that each author would be in charge of a certain character. Our job as the author is to learn and love our character. Each chapter is written by a different author, Selena Cane writes the chapters for Aanya, Anne Hudson writes the chapters for Talith, and Charlotte Jensen writes the chapters for Rachel.

We love working together and we hope you enjoy reading our work. We know we aren't the greatest when it comes to grammar so any suggestions or edits you would like to make are welcome. We can handle constructive criticism pretty well. :)

Thank You! Please, enjoy Letherland and please give feedback, and we would love to hear from you.

Selena Cane
Anne Hudson
Charlotte Jensen

Note: We are cautious when it comes to picking friends. Although we are sure you are an excellent author unless we've had multiple times where we have come in contact in the past don't feel bad if we don't accept your friend request.