mabel mae

mabel mae


remember, i love you

nowhere, shh
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10 am

10 am

A Poem by mabel mae

6:18 am 6:18 am

A Poem by mabel mae

11:30 pm 11:30 pm

A Poem by mabel mae

2:07 pm 2:07 pm

A Poem by mabel mae

1:24 am 1:24 am

A Poem by mabel mae

8:26 am 8:26 am

A Poem by mabel mae

memorial memorial

A Poem by mabel mae

10:58 pm 10:58 pm

A Poem by mabel mae

10:52 am 10:52 am

A Poem by mabel mae

10:28 am 10:28 am

A Story by mabel mae

10:26 am 10:26 am

A Poem by mabel mae

About Me

hi i’m mabel and i have been writing poetry for quite some time now. if you wish to keep reading, i must have you know two things; 1. i’m not a real person, merely just a soul, and 2. i have been given a body to live out my promise to the world.

If we’re friends, I review your work with my honesty and respect and i ask you do the same.

i hope your head and heart are free.