magenta24uk : Writing



A Poem by magenta24uk

locked inside your own mind
pasta is my passion

pasta is my passion

A Story by magenta24uk

Just my rambling's about pasta. :)
No tears

No tears

A Poem by magenta24uk

Loss you can not show


A Poem by magenta24uk

love, obsession, true sight


A Poem by magenta24uk

Hold on tight
Watching the clock

Watching the clock

A Poem by magenta24uk

wanting to be home
tuck me in

tuck me in

A Poem by magenta24uk

Tuck me in. Tuck me in, hold my hand, Tell me it’s okay. Before the dark, Before I sleep, Before the break of day. Turn off the l..
Where to begin

Where to begin

A Book by magenta24uk

I need to write a novel for an upcoming competition. This is a rough draft and needs work. Any help is appreciated. It is not a life story just a stor..
deep leaves

deep leaves

A Poem by magenta24uk

Deep leaves The autumn leaves fall softly past my weary eyes as if to say we’re crying too. I feel the breath of frost as I open up the wind..