miss_missa07 : Writing



A Poem by miss_missa07

“I” is only a convenient term for somebody who has no real being. --Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own Three weeks ag..


A Poem by miss_missa07

There is no whisper in the wind-- it howls more than Ginsberg, like a pack leader at a fully-risen moon. Raindrops turn to sleet and hit ..


A Poem by miss_missa07

The charcoal of pavement contrasts bright orange as black bleeds into bleak gravel. A fallen angel-straddling heaven and hell- broken ant..
Night of the Hunter

Night of the Hunter

A Poem by miss_missa07

He straggles down the empty street, past homes with broken windows, missing doors. The newly-risen moon casts light across alleyways Where..
Suicides and Lullabies

Suicides and Lullabies

A Poem by miss_missa07

I saw your body navigate the congested concrete street, the pills that you ingested (one by one) stacked high upon your chest like pancakes. ..


A Poem by miss_missa07

Her eyes were as big as the moon, so when she gathered flowers, hugged closely in the bosom of a tree, her tears created a crystal lake, w..
Kites over Champaign County

Kites over Champaign County

A Poem by miss_missa07

Tie a string around my ankles; Tie it tight, grip it well, and run. I will bump along the ground, but, like Marylin Monroe’s, my..


A Poem by miss_missa07

I worship a God who resides in the splatter of raindrops. He hits the ground in an insignificant splash, trickles along the crevices of empty s..
The Placer

The Placer

A Poem by miss_missa07

We hide behind sheer, wafting curtains until all that remains are our silhouettes. Without the clarity of faded scars no one can see our regr..
Waiting for Rain

Waiting for Rain

A Poem by miss_missa07

An experiment with form, this poem differs from my more typical writings. It was a good exercise, though I'm interested to know if other people find i..

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