scarlynn : Writing

Effy Stonem

Effy Stonem

A Poem by scarlynn

You'll never catch me,she dines on autonomy and nighttime breezes.Blackened pupils the size of four moons,screaming "watch me".She hypnotizes weak min..


A Poem by scarlynn

I just want to see her.Gold ringlets mask her face,doe eyes of sienna,my heart, my heart,beats me to froth at the mouth.Damsel in distress, she must,I..
Night Terrors and Apathy

Night Terrors and Apathy

A Poem by scarlynn

All rise, her third eyeglistens a thousand afternoons,July haze sweeping her irises.But this is no poem,this is prophecy.He leans over and hushes his ..
Your Pupils Don't Match Mine

Your Pupils Don't Match Mine

A Poem by scarlynn

I guess you saw my smoke signals,whisping and ebbing thin throughthe wrought iron fence that heldour hands together.Rusty and jailed,creaking sooty ag..
Writer's Block 5

Writer's Block 5

A Story by scarlynn

The same song plays over and over in my head, and the lyrics don't make sense, so naturally, they make sense to me. I knew I needed to go to the hosp..


A Poem by scarlynn

Faking the rush,checking my pupils,in your bathroom mirror andyou follow me.Still haunts me today,episode twenty three.I never belonged to the peoplet..


A Poem by scarlynn

Flowers and buds he said,they make a lot of money.They make a lot of friends,they make a lot of enemiesthat wait until dawn for youjust to see that yo..


A Poem by scarlynn

Alone on the court,small bird - she waits,sucks in a breath,exhales a shooting starthat I still wish on.Twiggy lent it to her,eclipse eyes andtiger's ..
Cynthia Needs Help

Cynthia Needs Help

A Story by scarlynn

I'm a little much for everyone. I'm made of cocaine, I have heroin hair, LSD lips, powder and pills and puffs of smoke I can't identify. I'm crawling..
F**k You

F**k You

A Poem by scarlynn

The only thing he wants me to beIs under.I ride for one thing,he chauffeurs me,my secret destinationdoesn't include him.I am a queen in my own way,Rul..