Hatake, Nagisaki

Hatake, Nagisaki


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Brookline, NH
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About Me

Where to start... well, I'm a 20 year old male living in New Hampshire, in a small town no one's ever heard of called Brookline. I am currently attending Phoenix University's online division Axia with a major in business. I work for a small company called AMNetworking, where my official title is "Junior Computer Technician," basically that means I do all the work my boss doesn't feel like doing.

Well, now that the boring intro stuff is out of the way...

How about a little bit of my personality? That's always a good start. Well, I can't say I'm what many would call normal, my beliefs and mannerisms counter what most of society has come to know and hold dear. That isn't to say that I am rebellious or someone who tries to go against society just to stick out. I am just me, simple as that. truthfully, I have a very hard time actually trying to describe "me," since who I am and what I believe meld and change with every breath I take, and every new sight I see. One thing that I am and hope I will always be is accepting of others, their ideals, and anything and everything that makes them different from myself and others. Actually, I would say that is what I like most about humanity, is that fact that we are all different, which is one of the most interesting and beautiful things.

But enough ranting, I could go on for hours about various things with no connection to each other, so I'm just going to stop and actually go back to doing my job instead of typing this up :-P

Also, I love debating and talking, so feel free to drop me a line some time, contrary to popular belief, I don't in fact bite... unless you like that sort of thing :3


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Posted 16 Years Ago

It does seem as though writer's cafe has deleted my works, likely due to how very freaking old they were... and, I have no backup of my first chapter...

So, I hereby announce something I've been wanting to do for a while now, I am re-writing my first two chapters as one single chapter, longer, better, and better refined.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Sweet x3.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Needs... chapters.....D:... *Zombie.*

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Posted 17 Years Ago

*ninjas in secretly*

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey, you cant whine about me no-existing when you never do either! I'm all trying to find you and stuff, and you run away? What's up with that? Anyway, you need to rediscover yourself so I can bug you and we can play some GW or something.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Mikata!! YAAAY!!!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Yay! I'm almost a Pat year and and a half old!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I'm sorry to hear that *hugs*

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I love you! How are you doing?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I love you! How are you doing?