Niamh Brown

Niamh Brown


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About Me

"If you are unsuccessful in an insane world you are going in the right direction" ~ Niamh Brown


Niamh Brown lives in Yorkshire, England and works in IT as a support officer and technical writer, with a first class degree in Internet Technology (with Hons). She writes part time on a series of science fiction books, which she hopes will expand into short stories and TV scripts. She also reviews, comments and writes articles freelance online.

Niamh has been writing "seriously" since 2000 when she conceived the outline of her six book science fiction series, the first of which is now in its second draft.

"Since taking up my books writing for me has become an addiction of sorts. I write everyday. Often if I don't write I feel out of place, like I haven't touched base with something at the core of me that can only come out through the written word."


I'm Bi-polar and I suffer from a neuro-muscular disease called Fibromyalgia with Myofascial Pain. The main symptoms of which are chronic pain and fatigue, a hyper-sensitive nervous system, with a sleep disorder thrown in for fun. Sometimes this leaves me house bound or using a cane but I'm still able to work part time for now.

My passions are reading, writing, thinking, meditation, snooker, music, singing and playing the guitar (when able) and sending as much love into the world as I can.

My 'philosophy' comes from a lot of sources ranging anywhere from ancient dharma texts to the emerging theories in quantum mechanics and is constantly being reviewed.

Niamh is pronounced 'kneev' (as if one syllable and the v is from viper) or like 'eve' with a 'N' in front of it.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hi friend, I hope to see you back on the Cafe soon,
and posting your new inspirations ^_^
Kindest Regards, Michael